The Lead Crown, Ch 6.6 Thaddius
Tranquil Waters: The Lead Crown Ch 6.6 Thaddius The cold night air of his balcony chilled Thaddius, but the tight ball of concern deep within the pit of his stomach contributed more to it than his surroundings. It had been three days since Brother...
Changeling, the Dreaming - A Basic Introduction
Because they are nobility by birth, all sidhe belong to one of the noble houses, where as membership is optional for commoners.
Little Star Chapter 3
There, she saw canterlot nobility hanging around. the all glanced at her before lifting their snouts in the air. 'typical canterlot nobility. can't wait to see you run into something with that move.'
These traits were prized by those who wished to employ him as an odd curiosity to impress other bored members of nobility.
What Is To Belong
Doesn't your nobility put prose to the page so that later humans may learn of their past?" "nobility?" "your lords and ladies, leaders of whatever you call the 'human court.'" "uh... the senate?" "who is your king?" "we don't have one."
Caught in Mid-Stream
When you get older, you ponder things you didn't care about in your youth. When the hormones run high, and your muscles are eager for exercise, you have very few things that occupy your mind. If you're male, you think with your...
Kattar- Chapter 1.
The street was wide and filled with large houses, more or less the same size as each other, this was a lower nobility neighborhood, but the houses were still large and computable, the street was covered with lush grass that nuri always liked beneath his feet
Those Three Words (Origins)
Did the same thing too, but that was more to ensure that their future children had long line nobility in the blood to show legitimacy to claim.
Lore: Vulpeculan Principalities
Vulpeculans are polygamous and don't traditionally have a marriage tradition, save for the nobility and their political marriages.
"whichever god the current nobility happens to like," he said, and they both chuckled. "doane, please be careful." tears threatened the edges of the weasel's vision, but he wouldn't let his mate see him weak like this.
To Protect or Serve Instalment 3
Tales From the Kingdom of the Red Sun To Protect or Serve Installment 3 **T** amira stood at the head of the wide table with her advisors lining either side like rows of potted plants, neatly planted between wide rows in the wood, they were...
The Holy Empire of Valoria
Lower nobility controls much of the business and bureaucracy outside the royal family, and judging by the number of legal and illegal businesses that appear in occupied areas, capitalism is widely encouraged.