A burning feeding ch1.

The summer of 1989 was like any other in the sense that nothing went on in our stupid teenage heads nothing mattered we did what, "we wanted when we wanted" at least,I did I can still remember those faithful days that followed but,one day will always...

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Breaking the Barrier: Chapter 5

Sequence, you will assist mercury, and i'll jump back and forth between the two. these positions will likely switch around until a better fit is found. dismissed!"

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Breaking the Barrier: Chapter 8

I gesture for sequence and mercury to come with me to look over the wreckage.

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Something About a Time Alone

Today saw me driving into town in my 1969 mercury cyclone spoiler ii for some snacks, and then basking at home in my living room light to bask in front of my living room light lamp.

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Breaking the Barrier: Chapter 6

"last thing, mercury has a few announcements regarding capsule design." fairweight takes a seat at the table to allow mercury to take the floor. "i don't have much, so i'll make it brief.

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"mercury stand aside or else get beat" tsume said as the boy smirked and got in fighting stand "alright i guess he wants his ass kicked,red" "on it" red said as he cracked his whip ,tsume clicked her hammer


Breaking the Barrier Chapter 10

For now though, while the new workforce gets fully acquainted with our progress so far, dusk, fairweight mercury, ignition, sequence, and myself have decided to take a bit of a vacation.

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Breaking the Barrier: Chapter 7

"rainbow dash, how would you like to work with mercury to design the systems and training procedures that would allow you to become equestria's first astronaut?"

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Crusader Part 9

The opponent takes position a few meters away from him, the power armor being worn was the mercury power armor suit, but there were some major changes.

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Cops and Robbers

"you look tired," said mercury as she walked up and gave katt a warm cup of coffee. "just cooling off. ran into... someone," she said taking a small sip of her coffee. sylvia slapped katt's thigh and pouted.
