Crusader Part 9
#9 of Crusader
Hi guys, I hope all of you are enjoying the story so far^^
I'm also going to put here the upload schedule that I currently have going on and the fiction that is current rotation, both here and the description of the upcoming parts of the other two and if anything changes with it I'll either put in a description or I'll make a journal/update my profile description. This is mostly to kinda help mitigate how quickly stuff just falls off of the front page sometimes.
Anyways I hope you all are enjoying the story and have a good one! :D
Current Fiction in rotation:
Crusader(Original Magna-Verse Series)
Echo(Bucky O'Hare Fanfiction Series)
Juncture(Sly Cooper Fanfiction Series)
Fiction Upload Schedule:
Crusader: A new part will be uploaded on Wednesday nights at the latest
Echo and Juncture will alternate on a weekly basis with the latest part being uploaded Saturday or Sunday nights at the latest
Also in case you missed the Crusader video, here's the link and I hope you enjoy it :)
Derra is scanning the space around him as him and his fellow knight Lancaster look around, their weapons trained as they look at the surrounding astroids.
"Anything?" finally escapes the hyenas lips.
"Negative.", Lancaster readies a missile launcher "I think if I aim just right I can hit him."
Derra glances to the armored cheetah "Ditch that launcher and use your sub machine gun instead, we need to cover the area with shells."
The cheetah gives in and switches to an smg with a drum mag "He's fast, he took out the others without breaking a sweat."
The two knights continue to cover one another, waiting for the attack by their foe, it was unlike anything they had ever seen and fought against, this thing made the armor pods they encountered look like mere toys by comparison.
Lancaster sees movement and opens fire, trying to draw the enemy out as Derra readies his sword, an asteroid comes around one another which the knights avoid by splitting up, a few moments later and Derra notices he's lost Lancaster's signal... he was on his own now. His motion detector which had been barely working was giving him nothing but false readings, acting like a compass constantly shifting. An asteroid in front of him becomes torn apart, exploding into a cloud of dust, a figure comes through going on great speed, it aims it's rifle at the hyena and after it pulls the trigger, a message on the hyena's screen appears 'Killed in Action'.
The opponent takes position a few meters away from him, the power armor being worn was the Mercury power armor suit, but there were some major changes. In it's left hand was a more up to date version of the rifle it held before, the helmet having been replaced by one of gold plated parts with an open section in the mouth baring reflectors. But the most amazing part was the back pack, it bore no armor... at least not yet, but it does have the skeletal parts in place for it to be added, two binder units were acting as wings, but these were not ordinary binders with traditional thrusters, these were giving out gravity fields and aglow with the power of a new highly compressed and advanced anti-matter system.
Koress's voice comes through "The test is complete, the victor is Magnum and the Albion."
Derra eyes the suit, this was the Mercury's true form and by far it's deadliest, in less then five minutes it had claimed victory against him and his squad, all while they couldn't even get a lock on him and the gravity fields messed with their sensors. The group returns to Derra's strike cruiser, where they leave their armors and begin to look over the data gathered from the test, which focused on both the helmet and thruster unit.
Elvo moves over to them thanks to her projector unit "All g-forces were nullified thanks to the dispersed gravity field of prototype H589 and V203's interface gives the suit an advantage thanks to the improved senors which are five times more powerful then the Mercury's. To add to this the power-ratio is ten times greater as well being far efficient, estimates say that this suit can keep up with the fastest void craft unless they activate jump drives.", she looks to the mystic "I also theorize that the magnetic field will stop or deflect small arms fire with even energy weapons breaking up before impact, in a similar way to the tesla suits electrical field."
The mystic eyes the data "Creating armored shells for the binders will require the use of dense ceramics, the crystals will make a perfect inner shell while the outer layer will need to be a variation of existing armor. All systems with the new operating systems were spot on with no sense of lag or input delay, resulting in instantaneous movement that is the same as the Mercury."
For an entire month, the group has pooled their resources in working on the Albion and it's features, with it's first mock battle a success, the next phase is finishing the overall construction and finishing the mighty buster rifle weapon system was now top priority. The Everglaive have been eyeing the data, the gravity binders have their full attention and it's a system they wish to mass produce, however the system is extremely complex and requires extensive maintenance to keep it going, they are hoping that the buster rifle will be far easier to make a production version, all that power at a single trigger pull would put them leagues ahead of many Orders just in general. With all of this going on, two more Everglaive crusade forces have arrived, one under the command of Master Karzo and the other led by Master Avecta, both eager to engage in such an upcoming crusade and to witness the mystic's latest achievement. They both stood at a distance from the small group looking at the data, Karzo is a panther, his black fur broken by titanium studs on the right side of his face, eyes having a cybernetic golden film and his golden ears having been pierced by gold rings that somewhat fade into his golden hair, dyed by metallic. Avecta on the other hand is a mongoose, her hair a natural red that goes down to her shoulders, eyes of an earthy brown as her metallic fangs slightly protrude out as her neck is protected by a layer of flexible plastic plate.
Karzo glances to the mongoose "This new power armor is turning into quite an interest."
Avecta doesn't break her stare "Indeed, the Albion could turn the tide in numerous theaters of war. I can only imagine what it'll be capable of when it's main weapon is refined, the last time we saw it the weapon fried the suit. Time will tell if that issue is fixed."
Koress steps towards them "Are you going to make your presence known, or are you going to just stand in the dark?"
The two look to the stallion, they take a moment and begin to make their way to the group with Koress in tow. They instantly earn attention from the group, the mystic hasn't met them, but he does know their combat records, these two were among the most battle hardened like Koress, though their methods were a little sanguine as their operations often had them face well-established militaries that could face them, their close range engagements only left crimson and slush with few if any survivors... even if they surrender.
The mongoose looks to the wolf "Freeblade Magnum, the Grand Master has sent us to aid in your crusade into the Reaper Sector. From what we were told, this crusade will hold existence in the balance."
The mystic looks to both "I won't sugar coat it, if the situation is as bad as I think it is... we could be looking at more then just the possibility of my species returning, I fear it could lead to a major incursion." with his arms crossed.
The panther scoffs "An incursion? Such a breech would take an extreme amount of power and a collective of souls of great measure."
The horse walks around him "Our enemies have made attacks against him and his allies head on over this, we know the cults use signals and technology we can't detect, for all we know, every world in that dead section of space could actually be holding a fortress. The heretics of the curved seven have been up to something, let's not forget, when we last fought them at the pyramid that they had conjured a breech into space and time and how if it wasn't for our arrival and Magnum's venture into the fray, they could have spread to the neighboring sectors.", he looks to Magnum "If we are on borrowed time, we need to make the most of it."
The wolf gives a soft nod "We can do field tests with the Albion, if we head into the Reaper Sector, we can catch the enemy off guard and make it to our objective. The Albion should be suffice enough as is, for now at least."
The a.i. moves towards them "It is capable of combat, though it's buster rifle still need development time."
The stallion tells the wolf it is his call and he makes the decision to initiate the crusade, around three hundred knights and their ships along with Magnum's Howl of Silver and Marouge's armada begin to make their trek into the Reaper Sector, all weapon systems armed and ready. As far as they know, the Reaper Sector hasn't seen movement in thousands of years... and now a mighty fleet of powerful ships was entering it, hellbent on destroying every target that came their way, but the scanners show the Reaper Sector contains around fifty worlds and covers a good chunk of space. To help in this, several other forces have joined in the crusade from other entry points with the Order of Talos, Sky Maws and Harpies of Inferno joining the fray along with several militaries taking part alongside them thanks to their influence. Magnum doesn't know what to expect, but he knows what the horrors beyond are capable of, monsters from beyond that can face a knight on equal footing as they tore reality apart with rending claws, taking hold of machines and starships just as they could flesh and bone. The mystic like all the Knight Orders have tried to find a way to counter them more effectively, all of which have failed.
Poralla decides to ask Magnum and Derra a question that she's had since she first saw the fleet battle awhile ago, before this adventure came into play "Excuse me gentlemen, but I have a question for you."
The hyena gives a soft smile "Of course, anything for a maiden." as Magnum's gaze goes to her. as well.
The weasel tries to keep herself together as she releases her words "I was wondering, how do you handle combat and the death that comes with it?"
The two knights look to each other at glance, if it was one thing the two had in common, it was the sheer amount of combat they had seen over the years which has lead to their reputation and their acknowledges, but also changing them forever. The Hyena motions the mystic that he can go first, to which he gives a soft nod as he thinks for a moment.
Magnum sighs "The truth is when it comes to combat in general, we may be knights or soldiers, but we don't fight unless we feel like we need to. When we do, we have to accept the risk that we may never return and becomes lost ourselves, true the first few times we have this fear, but after a while it subsides and we put it in the back of our minds to help us focus."
Derra focuses on the weasel "In terms of taking lives, which is why I think you asked the question to begin with. Despite our banter and bravado, taking lives is something is that does haunt us to a degree, we don't really take much joy or any at all when it comes to it, but what it comes down to is that it's either us or them... and we have to make that choice. The truth is sooner or later we become numb to it."
The mystic closes his eyes for a moment "The way we justify it to ourselves can take multiple forms, it can be for the greater good, it can be that because we did it we saved even more lives...", he looks back to her "And when we lose someone in combat, it hits us very hard. When we fight, it is thee last resort to do what must be done when peace fails, but when the time comes and we have to make the choice to deploy, we have to accept all the risks and what may or may not happen as result. It isn't an exact science as there is some black and white with a lot grey for good measure. What it comes down down to ultimately is that we train ourselves how to deal with it in our own way."
The weasel takes the information in, their words making their way, she can see the fatigue in their features as they explain their reasoning, this was all still new to her.
Magnum makes his way over to her, he puts his hand on her shoulder "And it's one thing I hope you never experience for yourself, if you think it's scary watching... it's far more so when you become a part of it. It's something that will change you, forever." earning a silent nod from the hyena.
Nara is now standing on the bridge with Len, with a little effort from Len she's been able to blend in, underneath her straight face she is beyond frustrated and scared, she didn't have much time to warn the cult bastions before these forces began their advance. With multiple Knight Orders and militaries moving in with the mystic leading the spear head, her plan just became so much more fragile. She was hoping to catch the knights off their guard along with the other powers in the galaxy and beyond, if luck was on her side then they could still have an edge, but the key was knocking Magnum off his balance, something she accomplished a long time ago but has become more difficult over time. Her gaze goes to Len who's overseeing a communications officer, she reflects on how much of an effect she's had on him since they first met in that bar, if she can make him willing to risk his rank... what else can she convince him to do for her?
An evil smirk slowly crosses the grey vixens face 'I think, I found my first sheep on this pile of junk.' and she goes back to having a neutral expression as she changes her position.
A few hours go by and Len and Nara find themselves in the former's quarters once more, the vixen eyeing him as she readies her honeyed words, if she can get him as a more useful pawn, it would make things go smoother and may even give her the edge she needs.
Nara goes over to him "Len, I am curious about something... what is it that you desire?"
Len looks to her "Desire? How do you mean?"
The vixen walks around him "You know, what drives you? What you dream of obtaining."
Len rolls his eyes back and forth for a moment or two, his eyes go to follow her "Well, I already have command of a ship with a good crew, I'm in a good position with my life..."
Nara stops in front of him "That is not what I mean... what if I told you that you can not just have a ship, but an armada of your own? Every ship loyal unto you until the end?"
The officer shrugs "Sounds promising, but just how would I be able to acquire this power you are describing?" with humor tracing his lips.
The vixen gives him a smirk just laced with sweet venom "I can lead you to that path, provided that I have your undivided attention." as she readies a deck of special tarot cards.
Magnum and Za'vara are looking over the chest, the mystic closes his eyes as he does his best to focus, he can feel his energies flowing, his eyes open encased in blue energy, blue energy flows from his markings, attaching to the chest, causing the ancient text to glow. The wolf can sense the ancient magic lock within reach, it was amazing, he can see and sense the lock in his mind, it's energy dense yet light, the strength of a vice and no sign of decay if such a thing was possible. The mystic shows the energy his willpower as he sends his energy into it and a second later the chest repels his magic, forcing him back a little which causing him to sigh.
Za'vara blinks "That was better then last time." as she writes some notes.
The mystic groans "The lock is pretty strong, it'll let me connect with it but it won't let me release the lock."
The vixen approaches him "Based on the text I've read, a mystic can open any lock should their willpower and focus be sufficient enough.", she looks to the chest "I have had visions of it being opened lately, your kind are saying it will be opened."
Magnum simply rolls his eyes, it's been a few weeks since they began their invasion of the Reaper Sector, their combing over so far yielding no results, but the other orders have mixed results as they uncovered what they believe to be recent cult activity, with even the curved seven being uncovered in every case. Testing the Albion on the go hasn't been ideal either, but the suit is almost complete and everyone knew it, the mystic can only hope it would be fully equipped before the big confrontation, though if he needs to he can deploy in the Vector. The Howl of Silver has gone ahead of the fleet to scout ahead, as it's sensors and smaller signature give it an advantage over the knight vessels.
Elvo materializes "Magnum, I am detecting ship signatures, but I am not detecting any power sources."
The mystic looks to her "Life signs?"
The coyote shakes her head "None of my scans show life at all."
The mystic notifies the Everglaive as he heads to the bridge, they arrive at what looks like a small debris field, Magnum can't put his finger on it, but he feels a sense of dread wash over him... something doesn't seem right when it comes to these ship hulls, the ships were rusted and bore nothing that resembled battle damage.
Magnum gets into his command chair "Elvo, scan the ships and see if they match any known vessels.", the coyote nods in response and soon information appears on the screen, his eyes become wide "That... that can't be!"
The a.i. eyes the wrecks with disbelief of her own "The data is conclusive, the fleet consists of a Tugseo-Class battleship, four Qeex-Class carriers, twelve Uza-Class cruisers and six Wexi-Class destroyers... and they bare aging consistant at around five hundred years."
The mystic just stares as Za'vara comes onto the bridge "Impossible... there's no atmosphere or anything like that in space, the void would preserve them! How did they get into that state?"
Elvo looks to him "Unknown, no known form of weapon system or technology can do this and there is no known form of magic that can do this either. But those ships based on surviving registration numbers that I can recover, went missing only five months ago."
Magnum is just frozen in awe, an entire battle fleet reduced to nothing from an unknown attacker, in the past two years he had never seen anything like it and to make the situation worse, from what the scans show no munitions were fired and the weapon batteries bare no sign they were ever fired. When Magnum informs the fleet it sends a chill across everyone, from the lowest enlisted man to the greatest knight... if the cults are capable of such a feat, there is no way they could do something like that often. The mystic even sends some pockets of drones to each ship, the air is dusty, everything is rusted with half them being rusted clean through their superstructures, damage from conduits that failed due to this aging left almost nothing behind in their sections but the core were vented before they could destroy the ships entirely, nothing on any of the ships is salvageable at all, it honestly wouldn't even be worth it to sell them for scrap or try to strip out what's left of the rare minerals in the hulls if any survived at all. The image is sent to all of the other forces and it has the same effect on them, but it doesn't deter any of them, if anything their drive has become stronger to search the Reaper Sector.
Elvo looks to Za'vara, she looks unphased by the display before them which catches her attention "Fortune teller, have you seen this before?" with a raised eyebrow and this gains Magnum's full attention.
The vixen looks to the a.i. "The mystics send me all kinds of images, most of which have no connection to one another, I have seen so many horrific things as a result. It is tragic and I do feel sorrow for the souls aboard, forgive me for not showing it." as she lowers her head.
The mystic still isn't sure what to make of Za'vara, he looks back on her theatrics when they first met to how she has been since then, if she doesn't have a spring in her step, she's a little dull, but her studies with the mystic have been a huge help and with Elvo being given the language as well, it'll be a great help in the future and her assistance has been well appreciated. Magnum decides to take a closer look at the ships by using some 3-D reconstruction and comparing it to their listed profiles, based on the models the ships were heading directly towards something, matter a fact they have a kind of a drift still, he has Elvo plot a course based on the direction of the ships with filters to adjust for potential drift and to transmit the course to the crusade forces, but the models did give off a huge red flag, the weapon systems didn't appear to be scanning for threats or anything that would even hint these ships were even expecting a threat or were even on patrol.
The coyote appears next to the wolf "Based on data from our astronomic sensors, the course will take us close to a red giant star, estimated time of arrival is two hours."
Magnum nods "Let's see where this takes us."
Za'vara decides to leave the bridge to go back to where the chest is, once she gets there, she moves towards it, those eyes of hers gazing over it 'To think, a mystic wolf would uncover it and bring it to me after searching for almost a thousand years, the problem is however I now have all of these crusaders and these cultists to deal with. Ah well, the treasure Magnum will find at the end of this rainbow will be of some interest to him and these Orders. Such primitives, their arrogance leaves much to be desired."
Nara is look out of the bridge visor, seeing the ships reduced to rust buckets had her really on edge, the enclaves established here never mentioned such a sight 'What could have done that? It couldn't have been our cult forces, I would have known and I don't know any spells that could do such a thing, I don't doubt that such power does exist, but I have never seen it.', she pulls herself together 'Whatever, I have a meeting to attend, one that requires my attention.' and she leaves the bridge.
The vixen makes her way to a hidden compartment in the cargo hold where Len and several others have gathered, a small alter rests in it's center as blood red candles light up the walls and painted on the ceiling in vibrant red is the curved seven.
Nara smiles "Welcome to our service today, our progress has been slow, but I can see the fire burning in your eyes.", she readies her tarot cards and a knife "Today, you have the honor of being bestowed your marks. You will each choose a card and that cards image will be carved over your heart, once that is done, it will be burned into your flesh for all of time. Who wants to go first?"
The crowd is silent, but Len steps forward as he removes his jacket and shirt, the vixen spreads the cards out, he flips one and reveals the Two Swords.
Magnum is munching on a pocket mre, as he looks over some data, trying to further work on the buster rifle as the ship continues it's jump, Za'vara enters a deck of tarot cards are in her hands, giving a faint glow of white, she goes over to the mystic and he glances to her.
Za'vara finally gets next to him "Pardon me for disturbing you, but I was wondering if you would be interested in me giving you a reading? I think it can help you set your mind at ease or give you some idea of the path you may be taking."
The mystic eyes the tarot cards, he looks to her "But isn't tarot card reading mostly open to interpretation?"
The vixen nods "It is, but it has provided many with direction and hope. I think you may find that in these cards."
Magnum tosses the idea in his mind around for a few moments and decides to play along, they go over to a cleared off table, Za'vara shuffles the cards and spreads them out, instructing him to choose six cards from the lot by using his instincts and a clear mind. Magnum's blue eyes scan them, his instincts guiding his right hand as he chooses the six cards, the fox clears away the unchosen cards and arranges the cards Magnum chose in the order they were chosen.
Za'vara flips the first card which reveals the Magician "Hmm, your willpower is strong with your ability to be a knight, your ability to think while on the move being your best asset has brought you many success and victories, an excellent omen of success and potential indeed, the key is believing in yourself to accomplish it." as her eyes give off a gleam.
The mystic thinks 'I guess I'm off to a good start.' as his eyes focus on the card.
Za'vara flips the second, revealing Justice "Interesting, this indicates that right now you seek the right outcome, weather is has to do with what is at hand or a past event is up in the air at this moment, however you do seek it to be in your favor."
Magnum doesn't know what to think of that at all, but now this had his full attention.
Za'vara flips the third and reveals the Hanged Man, earning blinks from the vixen "You are scared of letting things go, being in the void has damaged you and yet you are afraid to let go of it. It greatly suggests that this limbo has been the cause of pain."
The vixen looks to him "Let's see what you have going for you.", she looks back down and flips the fourth, revealing the Lovers card "Even in the darkness you find yourself in, there is a light that will enter your life. Despite how you may feel now, love will come to and happiness and joy will revive your heart as commitment will find it's way."
The mystic was now completely unsure what to make of this development, he had long given up on love in it's entirety, he sighs "What is going against me?"
Za'vara nods with a joyous smirk, she flips the fifth card, revealing the card of Death "Your suffering is still with you even if it has calmed down, the fear, depression and anxiousness you feel is buried but it is still there. But you have shown the universe what you can do and what you have done has reshaped it, you must let go of the past and find a new and true beginning, the life you have may be a radical one, but your life is ultimately what you choose it to be.", she looks to him "You are quite an interesting tale Magnum, I am curious what your most likely outcome will be."
Magnum looks to her "May I flip it?", Za'vara simply gives him a nod, he flips the card... revealing the Devil.
Za'vara's eyes shoot open at this for a moment as she tries to explain "This is quite a turn, according to this, you do have the possibility of commitment. However.... you only have one opportunity to change from your course as your emotions and past haunt you.", she looks him square in the eyes "It's not too late for you to change direction, for if your concerns are not addressed soon it will bring about your destruction."
The mystics eyes slowly go to her, but on that Elvo calls him to the bridge as they are about to exit their jump, the mystic quickly begins to make his way to the bridge. Za'vara looks to the card Magnum flipped, she goes to retrieve it to put her deck back together, as soon as she touches it the card jolts her as she becomes transported to a new location. The area is that of a city, but it's in ruins as fire consumes buildings and vehicles, evidence of battle is abundant as military machines are obliterated and dead soldiers litter the ground, the sound of servos takes the air, from the fire the unmistakable sound of power armoed footsteps come, a figure emerges, it's Magnum but his markings are black, his eyes consumed in a light purple energy rather then blue, he opens his mouth, a beam of the same color charges and he fires, the beam sweeps and destroyes a city in the distance, as storms consume the sky, the wolf delivers a powerful howl as he readies what looks like a warscythe.
Za'vara gasps as she closes her eyes, she opens them to see she's back on board the Howl of Silver, she regains her composer 'Is that... Magnum's future?!'
Magnum enters the bridge and gets on his command chair, the Howl of Silver and the fleet emerge from their jump, the red giant staring at them.
Elvo blinks stoically "I am picking up a signature in front of the star."
The mystic readies his console "On screen."
A second later, the image of a massive ship in front of the star now fills the screen, the vessel is the size of a dreadnought, it's long dead hull featuring no signs of life, the hull was mostly silver, it's mighty prow in the sharp of a snarling hound of black with red eyes while the rear section was a dull crimson red, the mighty gun barrels the size of cruiser with each turret baring three such weapons, numerous smaller turrets dot the vessel as missile batteries stare at the void, some empty and some still having ordinance. A symbol repeats on the outside of the hull, a black hound with red eyes roaring upon a background of brass flame, the ship has this powerful allure to it, one of majesty and dominance as it seemed the star itself knelt before it.
The mystic says "Elvo... what kind of ship is that?"
The coyote who is stunned herself does a quick scan "The ships class is unknown, it doesn't match any known vessels. But what's amazing is that it seems the ship still has some power, but the computer system has a different set up. I can adapt a program to interact with it, but it will take time."
Magnum nods "Then we better get started, this just got a whole more interesting."
Elvo and Magnum quickly get onto working on an interface program, the fleet standing by and ready for what ever may happen, strike cruisers are ready to engage at a moments notice as the heavier ships ready for broadsides. After an hour they attempt to use the program, most of the files still can't be accessed, however Elvo finds some star charts which reveals the ship is around thirty thousand years old, the vessels name is the Hunter of the Damned, it's logs show it is in service to an order considered legend among the knight orders.... the Order of Cerberus.
To be continued...