Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #15- Mayor May Knots

It wasn't because his team had failed his expectations, in fact the mayors had exceeded them tremendously.

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Public Opinion

He has a plan that will make the people love the mayor again! all we need to do is make sure anytime anyone sees the mayor anywhere they see a dog! people love dogs! how could the plan fail or go wrong?

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Return of Solta (Part 2/2)

The mayor asked frightened. "please, it's easier just to show you." she says as the mayor ached over in pain. the mayor's head began to push outward, as his nose became nothing more than a mere two slits.

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Welcome New Citizen! - Introduction to the Cityverse

He has been mayor for the past 27 years, being re-elected 5 times (the standard term length is 5 years). there is no current term limit for mayors, but no mayor has chosen to remain in office past 10 terms. most past mayors have been draconian.

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Croix - (Kreet 97)

mayor?" at that, the mayor's face turned rapidly from apprehension to sincere affection. "oh! well," she said with a little curtsey, "pleased to meet you..." "night," kallid said, coming up with the girls. "his name is night.

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The Dimensional Traveler-Prologue

As soon as the mayor said that, annie took the remote, pointed it at a potted plant on the mayor's desk, pushed a button, and turned it into a tape player. "there, now you do," she said.


Getting To Know You

He barked as he continued to fire his lx-18 while letting the mayor move out from under him. wailing, the mayor did as he was told, then steele rolled after him.

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Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #6 - Rise to Power

Once again, the mayors punch out a win against one of the league's strongest competitors, led by dialed-in shooting from juju.

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Saldin's Snail Situation

And on that note, the mayor bid them farewell and the adventurers took their leave of the mayor's office, setting off towards the dark forest to the east. "wait!"

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The End of the SWAT Kats! Part Five

And i have a message for mayor manx! do you hear me, mayor?" as callie barged into the mayor's office, manx approached one of his office windows and looked up at the giant image.

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