Promised Land

"well, let's take lovecraft," she'd started. "you're just thinking about lovecraft because you're looking at me, aren't you?" mano had jested. "kinda," the turtle had admitted. "now lovecraft was like a grade a asshole, you know?" she'd seemed surprised.

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The Ship

It was a strange day when the Ship appeared in out port, it must have made berth sometime during the night for the morning watch found it moored and silent. The sun was shining yet a cold wind howled through the city streets, no children could be heard...

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Dust, Blood, and Fur Part One.

\*\*\* "good morning sergeant lovecraft and corporal fredricks," a gentle, feminine voice called out. "it's seven am and 68\* outside with an easterly wind." tanner lovecraft rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling.

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The Darkness Within

"How do I get myself in these situations?!" Catso continued fleeing down the terrible hallway, a deep abyss of maws and claws consuming the hallway behind him, and random shadows attempted to impede his escape. He slashed through them swiftly,...

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As I sit with my back against the damp walls of this god forsaken temple I write this account of my final hours. Once the weak light of the lantern dies the Keepers shall claim me for their own vile purposes. I can already sense them, nightmarish...

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James and the Giant Deep

Hp lovecraft had his own cult but our predecessors removed all his artifacts and replaced his first story with a more benign version. since then we've used his insane writings as cover for people who catch a glimpse of the deep one's dreams.

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A boy and a dragon a tail of two friends #13

Now it was runetide's turn to be exasperated, 'haven't you read lovecraft?' 'no' alex replied. 'that's sad' runetide said.

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Just A Little While

I needed to vent some frustrations, and i was reading lovecraft, so i decided to go nuts with this and see where it left me. it is somewhat short, and i might expand on it later, but really it is just to put an idea down and get it out of my head.

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Order of Pengu #5

That being said i want to state my "facts" about shoggoths are based off what i've read and other stuff i made up for comical effect so to all the lovecraft experts out there, i know i'm not 100% accurate.

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Dragon of Déjà vu

lovecraft "the circle series" ted dekker and some roleplaying i've been doing. dragon of deja vu i tell you the tale of the valley beyond the mountains. long ago there lived a proud family of dragons.

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