The Origin of Shadow - Chapter 5

I passed a few towns and villages only to see where jericho's insanity had led him. entire settlements burnt to ashes, from the amount of bodies in the street it seemed that jericho's army left none alive.

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The Sleepover

Casper "stop, jericho get back here." caleb shouted. "no! no diaper!" the now younger voice of jericho yelled defiantly. "jericho get your diaper on right now." desmond said without looking up from casper's homework. "but desmond..." jericho whined.

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Day 40 1:10 PM 1/4/2023-Chapter 11-A New Friend

I called to raf, who came running with jericho right behind him. "yeah cameron?", he asked. "let's go", i said. jericho pawed at the back door of the truck, whining as he did.

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Halloween Fun

jericho made a sour face. "how do you know if you never tried it jericho?" casper asked curiously. "cause they yucky." jericho muttered as caleb gave zoey some of the lasagna. "ah hello again maggie. how are you tonight."

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Day 43 7:54 PM 1/5/2023-Chapter 13-Why?

He looked jericho in the eyes, "i will tie you to the guard rail. leave our dinner alone." jericho gave raf a big slobbery lick. "nice save", raf said wiping his face, "unfortunately, it also bought you a time out."

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Day 43 8:04 AM 1/5/2023-Chapter 12-Mountian City Massacare

jericho also improved significantly over those two days. he put one more than a few pounds and soon was back up to full strength. he and raf became inseparable as well. everywhere that raf went jericho followed.

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The Origin of Shadow - Chapter 3

Bad as what jericho will do to him, well.....him and the dragon lords.

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Blinking, jericho slowly examined himself.


Pandemic-Day 51 11:59 AM 1/12/2023-Black Ford

"jericho", i said pointing to one of the men, "go boy!" jericho, without making a sound, took off for one of the men. pouncing on him from behind and grabbing his neck.

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Pandemic-Day 51 3:39 PM 1/12/2023-The Final Hours

"jericho", raf said. "where is he?", dad asked. raf put his fingers in his mouth and whistled, jericho came running. 'hey boy", dad said bending down to pet him, "have you been taking care of my kids?"

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Mates and Their Children

Crystal, blu, flameflicker) (elijah\*, domino, sarah, kilo) (catelina, sophia, alexandria, jasmine) (kahn, resputin, phantom, dena) bonnie and clyde\* (chance, jeremiah, dingo, cera) (jacob, ffloyd, harley) (kendall) squeakers and fang^ (jessica, jericho

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