The Story Of A Hero. 1.
(i suggest reading the intro i wrote to this, i would call it inspirational. and that's what this story is about. to inspire you, the story isnt over, so dont start saying "how is this supposed to be inspiring?")
The Next Chapter
The Next Chapter My life is a book this book tells my life as a burn the last page I move on I walk this path, a path called life I walk it alone, and this path as many enemies my weapon is my sanity, although I walk alone I help all that ask,...
We enter times of darkness now, the wounded and the shaken, the times that would us now destroy, if we should not awaken. But still I hear dear freedom's call. I hear its march and chime and if you now just listen close you'll see it still yet...
Improve The Silence
#17 of poems this poem is inspired by ashley wylde. she is a fantastic poet and if you have a moment then i highly recommend looking her up or browsing some of her spoken word videos on her youtube channel.
Poem #56: Inspiration
[creative commons license](]( "inspiration" by bhscorch is licensed under a [creative commons attribution-noderivs 3.0 unported license](
Sunrise of the Soul
Sunrise of the soul Can I hear the heartbeat of another coming closer to my own? There's only one thing that can get as close and I block that pain away again Help me see the light of the world as the sun goes down from its...
find my way
I'm sitting all alone, with tears that start to fall. Not wanting to let go, i'm afraid ill lose it all. When i'm in your arms, i know i have to try. But when i'm by myself, all i do is cry. Just seeing you smile, brightens up my day. And...
a Long night (Draft) (Inspired by "The Pack" by Kandrel)
It was 10 pm I couldn't sleep for some reason, I felt like I had to do something not playing video games not doing homework (which I already did) it was summer I had to do something that I liked. I recently bought a Camcorder to record the things that...
The Performance
#1 of writing i was randomly inspired to write something while walking to the store. this is the rough, unedited result of that inspiration.
inspired by reading about a fellow fur's difficulties, this is a furry/aboriginal version of the christian story "footprints." pawprints one night a male had a dream. he dreamed that he was walking along a trail with the creator.
A poets peace.
A voice from the dark called out, 'The poets must give us imagination of peace, to oust the intense, familiar imagination of disaster. Peace, not only the absence of war.' But peace, like a poem, is not there ahead of itself, can't be imagined...
We've all had times, when the going gets tough The smooth ride suddenly, feels bumpy and rough The good times are gone, it's all rather gruff You let out a sigh and exclaim - "I've had enough" We are all entitled at times, to gripe and to moan...