The Op. (WIP)
I lie here, rolling and squirming in the tan, dust covered street, gunfire crackling all 'round me, clutching my neck as a steady stream of red flows from the large hole where my throat once was. I try to scream, but I no longer...
Battle In Athens Sequel Teaser
Seeing this, the militia furs adjusted aim, but little did they know they had attracted the wrath of an apache helicopter.
A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 37: Disruption
The helicopter lurched upwards, crushing me with extra weight of directed air. the metal flying thing, dreaded moments ago, lifted off a few lengths.
Fallout - Prologue
Only twenty four years old, she had begun her career when she was eighteen, immediately after she had finished her commercial helicopter pilot's license, as a copilot for the flight for life helicopter at the local hospital and trauma center.
Pleasant suprises: Ch 3 - Plans for the near future
Have you ever rode in a helicopter before?" "a helicopter? where would we be going that requires a helicopter to get there?" lucky said, a little excited at the thought of flying in a helicopter. "you'll see" he said.
No Last Chances-Chapter 1
We looked at one another, contemplating waiting for the helicopter or retreating into the forest. after another awkward minute our silence was broken by a low pitched whooping noise. a helicopter.
A dictator's scapegoat
Out of the blue lucius's helicopter appeared over the lz, having the prisoners escape underneath the helicopter. inside the helicopter lucius grinned to himself as the helicopter turned so that the mounted gun faced the oncoming imperials.
The Rescue
She remembered that yote was an accomplished helicopter pilot. as the deadly helicopter settled into a hover above her, its pilot waved at her. "shit!" she swore aloud and scrambled for her radio. before she could reach it, the helicopter?
Watching for Giants
Biting like bee stings, all ten of the helicopters opened fire with side mounted gunners.
Chapter XV: Consequences, Night Three
Rocco said as he looked at the last body to come out of the helicopter. zander smiled as he saw rocco gasp, his eyes where engulfed as he saw antonio walk out of the helicopter.
Hell Jumpers, part two
If we send a helicopter to get them out, that's one less helicopter that's going to be helping one of our living squads stay alive" replied command calmly. andrew thought about it for a second, going quiet. command was right.
Don't go to school tomorrow
Out of it me and the soldier both ran to the helicopter ready to take on, the werewolves were pretty fast but far from the helicopter and we were 1 meter away from the helicopter and we made it to the helicopter.