Flight Academy: Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Third ring of hell The group rushes into the room. Staal places Shiro onto the soft couch then runs into the bathroom to grab a towel to lay Uski on. Corelec places Uski on the towel then wastes no time blockading the door. "What the hell...

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Super Smash Bros. Brawl – Zombie Mario Attacks

The next morning he contacted his friend in a full out rage, asking why he would send him such a game and not warn him of the gruesomeness, explaining the events to his friend in full detail.."you ok eric?

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Aatuylvan Anthem

We are eternal, though our foes be gruesome, with ulfante's shield and chyara's path, we stand unbound, like rays of the setting sun.

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My Tragedy

Type that you can see and i am drifting now left waiting for a common ground that'll never be reality chorus my mouth's been sewn closed my eyes long glued shut my mind is the canvas wicked nightmares and fatasies confusing me painting gruesome

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Friends are Forever

Rumor is that it was done in a particularly gruesome fashion? ann asked. - are you freaking kidding me? gruesome don't even begin to describe it. travis exclaimed. - it happened when the the target was about to enter his car.


Alt Earth 4077 Historical Post 2

The treatments worked well letting us take back the planet but we could never anticipate the hunger to use it to make life more entertaining, more gruesome or more sedate from the recreation of slave labor.

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A new beginning

Another memory even too gruesome for me to explain in this story came to mind but it was just like amenti said i had been beaten with whatever weapon my mother had in mind.

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Darkness 5: Regenesis

I retch even recalling the image, knowing that if i look down, i will see that that gruesome spectacle is part of me, that it is my blood and my bone.

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The Meeting

He begins screaming but silences himself when he hears a gruesome growl; sounding so far off it seemed to be a good few hundred feet away.

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Another Battlefield

I stand upon another battlefield another war won for you blood and gore cover my body mirroring the gruesome scene around me the ever cleansing rain will wash away the blood from both my body and the field but what will wash away your desire your desire

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It's Not Me, It's You

:p who are you to say i'm the problem all you ever were was naïve and blind don't you dare run if things get gruesome the only thing you've taught me is how to be unkind.


the evil thing

. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the evil thing is a gruesome beast on living flesh it loves to feast it's a two headed thing whom you don't

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