The word was fog. misjudging the time. my own fault. the sun, lowering in the distance, spills bright red across the earth.
Ariving at Nowhere Hotel
The swilling fog twist my vision, the door seems to lean off to the left then twist back to the right. a hand rest on the wood as i wait for my eyes to focus.
Hunting Death- Town of Death
Something in the fog was killing them.
Moonlit in Fog
I seem to be safe from the fog and death, but some things still hurt. i do not wish to scare it. it suddenly pauses, i hover above uncertainly. abruptly, it looks up and sees me watching it.
Like a fog
#1 of poems poem i wrote during a dark time like a fog in the dark, forgotten street where time, like a fog, curls 'round one's feet and the slow hum of people begins to fade i present to myself my own accolade most likely to pray to the stars above
TSS- Green Fog
#1 of written re-/cross-post of old content.http://www.furaffinity.net/view/13206877/ __________ written for a mandatory activity check (http://the-sacred-star.deviantart.com/journal/tss-plot-part-ii-green-fog-activity-check-446409225) on my favorite roleplaying
The Fog, Chapter 1
It was early december and a thick fog had covered most of the county of norfolk. at norwich thorpe station the gas lamps on the platforms tried valliantly to penetrate the fog. sitting quietly in platform 6 was a lone engine.
A Thin Line - Part Six: Stop at Nothing
However, an ominous fog flooded the street. the street lamps gave off a halo as the light made its way through the fog. damien exited the car.
Prologue to Alvinism- The Chronicles of Alvin Aber
Down the road they'd just came in in the fog alvin could depict the guards they had left following them at a subdued pace, their swords glinting even in the fog.
Abaddon's Black Mist (screenplay)
Dissolve to: ext. dead sea shore - night lupa and suri stand on the sandy shore, covered in dark fog, and the water pitched black. suri help me get the raft sailing. lupa sure.
Marianne's Misty Hike (Part 1) - Intro
We are caught in a freak fog on the side of boydan ridge, the fog just rolled into the valley out of nowhere. visibility is about 9 feet and we've lost two cubs. anyone, please respond." again, no response.
BOG Origins Chapter 1: Memory In The Fog
Theories about something kidnapping them in the fog or that the fog is some kind of chemical that transformers them and they now live in the fog waiting for their next victim.