Kobold in a field (Otherwise Untitled)
#27 of short stories a kobold sits in the field as it rains. ~ the kobold sat alone in a field, beneath a sky of clouds.
A Memorable View - medium poem
The flat plain of fields full of corn fly past the window of the speeding car. in the distance you see small patches of trees. they become dense, more frequent as you flee the rural land. the hills begin surrounding the road.
Ice Flower Field
_My heart is gone and the only thing left is a black hole of,_ _Hate,_ _Rage,_ _Sadness,_ _And fear._ _I feel all the bad things every year._ _I look into myself to try and find the good but,_ _I never can for the black hole takes all...
Cosmic Stars - Chapter Twenty
"there is still no sign of any infections but we'll continue our sweep of the asteroid field." "focus on any large candidates in the nearby area first," yukiomaru ordered, doing his best to ignore tang.
The Story of Dyona
They were going to the fields to pick the white cotten. on rare occasion they were given gloves or found them. most things that have been dropped are picked up by the workers, and placed in they're huts.
War High: A Fox's Tale; Chapter 2 part 1
Yumi and roxas managed to sneak in, to hear izume-san repeat what she'd just said,"for those of you that werent listening, monday, next week, we'll be taking a field trip to the ruins of the babylon empire.
Field Work
I don't care how good a friend he is, i am not doing field work for rocky again.'' clyde put away the first aid kit and stood up to resume the task at hand...
Strawberry Fields
Another story from the world of Watership Down (Or at least my warped interperetation) All characters originally created by Richard Adams Contains violence, but is under Clean for having no sex in...
Empty Field
Empty field he walked across a barren field as he looked up and began to yield his hand across a moonlit sky as he gave a smile and began to sigh "i've done about all i can do and done it all just for you two" he then looked down and began
Fields of Elsewhere
He was sitting in a field of grass under a tall oak tree. the field stretched on as far as he could see and then it met the blue sky and continued to eternity.
The Field Mission
Gorion, a librarian and archivist, is dragged along onto a field mission that he wants nothing to do with. reluctant, inexperienced, exposed to sights horrifying, his life will never be the same again. the drums pounded.
The Hardest Hunt
I was becoming wary of this hunt, the most savage one thus far. It appeared he had earned his prize for a distinct reason, and he was showing it on the battlefield. It also appeared that he was use to being hunted, as he had never left his back...