Seeking history part three

"guys, astral wrote that he will be exploring the old city, at that time what we call the old city would have been the new city!

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Doors Explored

Doors explored our love is like an open door when you walk through there's always more their love for each other once ignored but they lied down and just explored their bodies close both man and man as they explored with just their hands

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Exploration Flight

exploration flight the backpack weighed heavily on richard's shoulders as he left home at dawn. his breath puffed visibly and he kept his hands firmly in his coat.

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Insole exploration

You start to explore by walking toward the nearest wall, but find it's even further away that you expected. your legs are getting tired by the time you reach it and find that it, too, is warm, damp, and smells strongly enough to make your nose tingle.

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Nujema: The First Stop

I plan to explore the uncharted part of the universe to the nw of home and map out as much as i can to help complete the map of the universe, which will greatly help out my people.

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The Journey

He clicked the link, not caring the consequences anymore; he needed to see, to explore what it was, whatever it was, for it could finally bring a solution to his problem.

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Seasons Of Change

Cin is nowhere to be seen; tap informs me that she's been exploring, and is safe- i find that to be a relative term in our current locale, and tell him so. his only response is a chuckle.

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Distress Signal

The elderly dragon slammed his claws on the counter in a huff. He slowly looked up and into the eyes of the dragon tending the counter. Or, to be more accurate, he looked into the left eye of the dragon as the right eye was made of moving metal gears...

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chapter 12

Today I was with roo, walking around the island and supposed to gathering food. But I found a large cliff, I started to study it and I started to look at it and It had spots for me to climb. I heard roo speak up " on annabell" yeah I...

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The Cave

Her instinct was to explore, but she knew that going in solo was a bad idea. a rumbling sound reached her ears, like a large creature breathing. she perked her ears, and looked around. "hello? is somebody there?"

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The Family Dive Story

The sailing yacht slowed down until it was lazily drifting in the water near the shores of a tropical island. Its sails were folded down and rolled up by a cocker spaniel anthro standing on the deck. He had orange fur with white fur running from his...

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