Pathfinder: Chap 1 (Remake)
"and i'd like to see joust how you would fare against a drak without a weapon," he retorted. "please, i can take down a full-grown drak with just my bare hands."
Tralla of Torlog
Prince drak did not expand on his comment.
One that matched the gleam of obsessive near-madness in his eyes as he turned to drak.
Mizalin-on-Sky: Thunderous
Scampering forward, she ran up to drak tasilus and waved her wings for attention. "drak! drak! i forgot something! i left one of harness pouches behind!" her teacher didn't seem particularly surprise or even disappointed. "jarzyl mintaka!
A Lost Pit Part One
Vic asked puzzled "i'm drak" the dragon said with a smile. drak starts to look at vic's face more closely and his smile soon turns into a frown. "what happened to you pup?" "some asshole that follows me around" he mutters.
Mizalin-on-Sky: The Floating Mountains
"drak! i understand why you said we ought to stay seated in the airship now!" jarzyl excitedly said to her teacher, who was also sitting nearby. drak tasilus nodded his head, though he looked slightly queasy.
Waking Up: Arco
At first, caring for draks before he woke up, which took three days. i had fully healed by the second, but draks was healing slower. i blamed his high dose of radiation for that.
City Sector Uplift part 1
"no problem, drak. uh, good morning." atlas bowed his head in a quick but respectful motion.
Mizalin-on-Sky: Away on an Airship
Maybe he's helping drak tasilus with some errand. atlas is a bit of a teacher's pet--you ever notice that? drak tasilus and drak beritae always treat him well.
Just a Normal Study Session
"uh, caden, you do at least have the lesson handouts given by drak vinatar, i hope?" "differentials. yeah." caden stood up and reached over the table to rifle through a stack of papers.
Mizalin-on-Sky: Fledgling Friendship
It's a stabilizer collar--buckle it to the back of your neck, close to your head," said drak tasilus, before moving onto the next row.
Ch3 Guardian of Tela'Vel
drak-kin are renowned for their superior swordsmanship. he grunted and sat down next to bodemair who was watching cross-legged on the grass before them. he placed a hand on his shoulder. averin appreciated his friendship.