Fursecution- Part 2

"You shouldn't stand," the nurse said, "you have been living off an IV for years now, There's no doubt you are a little dehydrated. Not to mention you aren't used to your body yet," I cringe as she says it's "my" body. There's no way in hell it is. I...

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Of Diets and Defiance [2/2]

Under the strict control of their parents, their diets had only allowed the occasional fruit cup as a rare reward.

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Of Diets and Defiance [1/2]

Frowning with their ears pinned flat against their head, all they could hear was the grim murmur of strict diet and exercise.

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Regarding Carrion Diets

Dead bodies have been the primary diet of my species ever since the first crow hatched from it's egg. if it's considered such a taboo subject by other animals, they shouldn't make dead bodies taste so good." the tomcat slammed a fist down on the table.

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The Perfect Redneck Diet

** **the perfect redneck diet** by zelda zebra i have this friend red neckerson.

FF: Diet Soda

It's label read 'diet shrink soda. lose mass fast.' "gosh darn it!" shasta let out a shout realizing what he had just drunk. "shasta how many times do i have to tell you to stay quiet!

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Chapter 2: The Royal College of Vulpineva

Chapter 2: The Royal College of Vulpineva Isabelle was gone when Flora returned to her room. Flora was grateful for this because she didn't want the red vixen to see she'd been crying. She felt dumb, like a little kit, but she was all alone like...

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Starvation Diet (Pt. 2)

- - -Continued- - - \* \* \* Lena sat against a corner of her plastic prison, eyes shut with the salt of dried tears. She didn't know how long it had been since she was dumped in there, as her watch came to mind only recently; both it and the...

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Starvation Diet (Pt.1)

- - - "Well, shit..." Lena slammed the hood of her truck and hopped in for the dozenth failed attempt at the ignition. With a huff, she sat back and closed her eyes. The breeze and fading afternoon light urged her to give in to slumber, but were...

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Solomon Talks: On The Subject of Diet

Pure herbivores have very little troubles when it comes to maintaining a healthy diet, but true carnivores must take great care in regulating a balanced vegetarian diet. we require much more protein than our herbivorous friends.

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Earth: The RPG Player's Guide

You cannot combine this with other traits that affect diet. herbivorous: you gain more nourishment from plants than from meat. note that you're not _strictly_herbivorous--it just gives you a sharp lean on your diet.

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Anima Chapter 14

Disgusted by the ideas of that "thing", i opened a new tab and searched "raven diet". followed by "falcon diet". finding all similar details to my own. ravens seem to be more omnivores, but falcons such as rylie have a similar diet to hawks.
