Words Cannot Express

Though words cannot express, i hope this gives you a clue, as to how much i love you.

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We Cannot Save them All

**we cannot save them all...** it all began on an unusually early spring day, mag and his platoon departed on a routine presence patrol on the streets of gabahdad.

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The Brimstock Descent

You cannot cannot cannot stay. you must be off. this wretched place has. it has taken me. i fear lloyd that i cannot leave. i cannot see anymore from one eye. i...i have lost it, i fear i have lost a single eye and yet i know it is still there.

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Dreams of You

I cannot forget your face, i cannot recall your name, you are just a phantom of my dreams, yet, i love you all the same.

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Land of Discord Chapter 13: True Reset

Segara of dornthal, you cannot deny your past!" "yes, and i cannot redeem myself. but you still had your choice, and you pick the wrong one.

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Shadow Dragon Bio

Also, because a shadow-dragon does not exist on the physical plane as we do, they cannot reproduce on their own, but at the same time they cannot become extinct.

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So when i say i cannot think cannot speak or find the words consider it the highest compliment for this essence cannot be expressed

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Never Love

You cannot see this veil of tears this numb feeling i cannot shake. you cannot see me lying in bed motionless and unfeeling because of your poison the lethal equal to that of a cyanide capsule.

Alexander Weaknesses and Strengths [Character Information]

Alexander cannot heal his own wounds with his white flames. he can heal the wounds of others but he cannot heal his own. doing so will make the wounds worse. number 5. alexander cannot survive without his soul.

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"but it cannot be possible to find a person who shares your interests and wishes so deeply that you're like one being that, from the day of your first meeting on, cannot be separated anymore without breaking both of you.

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Poem: Love

That which cannot be defined. it comes in different forms, different styles and different reasons. it comes without knowing and with knowing full well. it cannot be caught restrained or held, it cannot be seen, touched or felt.

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