Forever Legendary Ch.2 - The Legendary Darkrai
Not when they're plucked out of the ground, no" the butterfree says with a smile, "i think only psychic-types can do that." i look at the sapling. it's still moving. i look at the butterfree holding it. she's smiling. _i touched her!
zokerus day 002ambushing the living 101
Just as soon as she noticed it a butterfree head suddenly popped out from under a bush." hello there little butterfree what are you doing out at this tim..." she stopped as she notice the blood trail from the puddle.
the cute and rare eevee pt4
The bugs had tied the man up, he wasn't going anywhere, he then remembered the arbok, he told the pidgy to bring back a butterfree, the pidgy nodded going though the air vent and a few minutes later returned with a butterfree.
The Forgotten One
Since that time, his caterpie had evolved into metapod and then to butterfree. sanji had established a team of fearow, butterfree, poliwag, and ivysaur.
Red's Adventure (8) - Bugs
He aimed an attack right for the butterfree's face. "big mistake," sparky commented. the butterfree avoided the attack and began to beat its wings. a shower of pollen fell around mankey's head, and he sputtered angrily. "hey! get off me!"
Family Bonds: Chapter 9
He sprinted away from where he heard the sound, and he managed to get out of sight just as one of the creatures came back, holding a butterfree by its wing.
The Big Encounter (Chapter 2)
_\*i run to a nearby patch of trees within earshot\*_ "...would you like a beedril or butterfree?" **me:**"the beedril, but he may be a bit if a challenge..." **my friend:**"i'll shock him if you'd like?" **me:**"that'd be great, thanks."
NMH_ A loving life 2
Its as if her very soul made his body feel light and warm inside were in his stoamch were butterfrees flapping there wings softly and making him feel so good and warm. he sighed and nodded.
Infectious Cruise (Pokemon TF/TGs)
The new butterfree attempted to fly away quickly, but ran into the man forcing him onto the ground accidentally. she quickly got up and flew away, out to the ocean and trying to find a place back on land.
Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 20
V=mgxmmu1xphm) walking along, chris couldn't help but smile at snivy as she randomly looked around, pointing excitedly at various things like the flying butterfree, a group of meowth rubbing past them into the brush, even to a tree which had grown berries
Forever Legendary EXTRA CHAPTER - Kabutops and the Gallade
The kakuna and metapod would cling to a branch somewhere and remain largely unaffected, while the caterpie and weedle dug burrows underground as the butterfree and beedrill left for warmer climates, a select few staying behind to look after their young ones
Why Me? Chapter 1 - The Beginning of the End
I can't fight, and even if i could i couldn't hurt a butterfree, you know that! the first thing that challenges me to a fight because i'm a tyranitar is going to beat me to a pulp!" i say as my tears start to flow again.