Liquid Lunch

Boris closed the dormitory door, sauntering over to the haphazard stack of spell books piled on the dining room table, before plopping his half-empty coffee cup on one of the bare spots of wood remaining. The alligator skimmed quickly over the mess of...

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Bursting Bubbles

All the bubbles will burst, one by one, and then there will be you. just you. only you. facing a blank playing board, you will find yourself completely and utterly alone. and then your bubble bursts too.

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Backyard Bursting

Drake was well beyond hungry, famished, or even ravenous; his need to feed was some new word altogether. The rolling pile of fat and German Shepherd had woken up just _hungry_for some reason, and it was far worse than he could remember. Maintaining his...

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Bod Takes a Nap

Bod jumped as the initial burst of air felt cold on his stomach. the machine hummed quietly (a quiet model, this one) as it did its job, pumping air into his gut.

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The over indulgance of Mr. Wolf

He belched out loud as they rolled his seat to the next five foot section. the beef and pork were joined by chickens and turkeys as well as pheasent, goose and even the peacock and ostrage, all stuffed to bursting with gourmet breads fruits and spices

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Bod's Day Off

**Bod's Day Off** Pleasant dreams. The warmth of the covers, and the enveloping darkness. This was how most days got started for Bod, as the rising sun began to peek its way through gaps in the bedroom window curtains. Before the dozing dragon could...

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The demise of Mr. Foxington

Then it sounded as if two balloons were rubbing together extremely loud.the foxes fine hide suddenly snapped bursting his belly open like a piñata, the force then tore apart the rest if his body.

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Last Call

At the same time, the sudden release of pressure sent all of his clothes flying as they all burst off at once.

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Industrial Accident

His clothing had long ago burst off, but it was only now becoming a problem as his body was losing shape and becoming disproportionate.

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Renamon Gets Introduced to Balloons

**Caution:** Popping In order to prevent art theft, this story has been uploaded as a PDF that can be viewed on Google Documents since there are very few ways to effectively "watermark" a story. You may view the submission file...

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My Mistake

His head soon reached the ceiling, and i realized he was about to burst through it. i dove under a table just in time to avoid being hit by a large chunk of the ceiling crashing down.

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Curse of the Weretoy

Someone had left their wolf pool toy in the hot tub. A fairly good one for that matter. Fully inflated, it rocked gently on the bubbling water looking slightly bigger than the average anthro. An excellent paint job detailed its cartoonish smiling face...

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