Steel Quest (Part 1): Welcome Aboard

Steel Quest (Part 1) Taking Stock: (At the beginning of every installment, we take stock of our situation.) Equipped items: Civilian Workman's Jumpsuit (Consisting of the suit itself, rough leather gloves, and a pair of sturdy boots), Thieves' Tools...

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Replacement (Part 4)

Replacement (Part 4) I could barely contain myself. Now dry, I bounded down the stairs to the back door, calling over my shoulder. "Come on Skyler! Let's go! You've got to feel the grass! The trees! The wind!" I stopped at the base of the stairs and...

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Stone and Wolf

Stone and Wolf Lyke spurred Crag up the steep rocky slope with his bare claws. The muscular Sabre Toothed Tiger hastened to obey. The wolf mounted on the cat had fur of an off white. The leather straps that held his straight sword, two javelins, and...

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Replacement (Part 2)

Replacement (Part 2) I awoke to the muffled sound of voices from inside the house. It was still dark out, and I wondered with annoyance at the reason why they would be up. My eyes heavy, I rolled over in the bed, rubbing my fur the wrong way against...

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Stone and Wolf (Part 2)

Stone and Wolf (Part 2) The guardsman came into the stable with two pails of water. Lyke raised his head above the stall door. "In here, sir." He called. The brown furred guard approached the door and Lyke opened it for him. "Thank you." He said as...

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Stone and Wolf (Part 7)

Stone and Wolf (Part 7) The silence of this great stone chamber was oppressive. Lykes' claws made dull clicking noises on the floor as he took each step with caution, his sword in his paws. His muzzle pointed this way and that, taking in the...

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Stone and Wolf (Part 4)

Stone and Wolf (Part 4) He dreamt that night. It was a luxury to sleep fitfully enough to dream. His exhaustion from battle and lack of rest the past two nights had left him without energy. Crag had been trained not to let him sleep if he knew Lyke...

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Stone and Wolf (Part 3)

Stone and Wolf (Part 3) The fires of Racalli flickered though the remaining trees between Lyke and his destination. Crag broke the tree line and charged to the border of the village. Lyke was relieved to see a Warg's corpse as they crossed though a...

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Why is it all so hard?

Why is it all so hard? Am I that different? Or just insane? No. It can't be that simple. Why are people so quick to judge? Are they so empty? Or just angry? No. They are people too. I create my own problems. All your problems are in...

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Replacement (Part 3)

Replacement (Part 3) Skyler let me sleep inside the house tonight. He said he was very sorry he had to put the shock collar on me. I asked him if he could have at least warned me. His response was I needed to see for myself. I didn't quite believe...

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Choose your own adventure (CYOA), Steel Quest: Intro.

In this chose your own adventure series, I will be using an approach similar to some casual roleplaying scenarios. While I'm not using a system of measurement of success or failure, as that would be counterproductive to the goal, I am using a trait...

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Stone and Wolf (Part 11)

Stone and Wolf (Part 11) After a while, he didn't feel anything. It was as if he was about to fall asleep on his paws. He had to look back every now and then to make sure Ilisha was still dragging behind him, for once on his way up the stairs, he...

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