The Wildlands Attria is a Novel. All chapters here are not to be considered final even those not labeled DRAFT. The method of writing is as follows. I write chapters as somewhat of a flow of consciousness which will contain inconsistencies, grammatical...


DRAFT The Wildlands: Attria (Chapter 3: Life in Aht'Regenia)

Chapter 3: Life in Aht'Regenia Renno raises a paw in reaction to brush his face though the ear had long left it. The figure standing upright ears included is only as tall as Renno, his head covered in fur of pure white extending up until finally...

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DRAFT The Wildlands: Attria (Chapter 2: The Well)

... Chapter 2: The well Though it is still dark bells can be heard emanating from somewhere in the town. Kyra wakes up to find Renno gone from her side. She stirs looking around the attic. The lights from below has long been extinguished and the...

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The Wildlands: Attria (Chapter 1)

... Chapter 1 This is a tale of kings, of princesses, of queens, and of courts. This is a world apart, a world of beasts who call themselves men. Where life and death live hand in hand. We begin with a tale from the southern tip of the world. The...

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The Wildlands: Attria (Chapter 4: Trade routes of the south)

Chapter 4: Trade routes of the south. The distant sound of the front door scraping across the floor on its failing hinges wakes Renno and drags equally through his mind as if to drag him unwillingly back to reality. Slow and groggy he begins to rise...

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The Wildlands Attria: (Chapter 5: Hardship Truth and Lies)

Minetz and Renno sit around plans laid out across the workbench. "See, like this. It means 'ply' like a ply of wood or paper." Minetz pokes away at the paper. Renno sits quietly his gaze lost in the rafters. "Why have one word for two different...

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The Wildlands: Attria (Chapter 6: Virtue and Understanding)

Chapter 6: Virtue and Understanding Minetz stretches in the early hours before watchers light. Shivering in the dark attic of the workshop he takes quick account of his plans and springs to his feet. His paws thud upon the floor and cause Renno to...

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Chapter 20: Dani'h'

Chapter 20: Dani'h' Anoran customs permit that adults only eat meat hunted by their own hands on the day of the 'Dani'h'. Since the enactment of the hunting ban, the quarterly holiday has become a day of fasting. Now, long after watchers light near...

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Chapter 18: Labor

Chapter 18: Labor Exhausted and wet Renno lays his back against the rough stone smokestack in the market square. The fountain steams away in the cool winter air filling the air with a dampness that both warms and chills as the wind blows. He examines...

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Chapter 17: Spark of Imagination

Chapter 17: Spark of Imagination The next morning. Renno wakes up and rolls over. The mat where Minetz normally sleeps is empty. He sits up and stretches. Downstairs a cold but liquid bowl of vegetable soup sits on the workbench accompanied by a...

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Chapter 15: Anoran Literature

Chapter 15: Anoran Literature Back inside Minetz balances a tall stack of books on his paws. He fumbles to push them up onto the workbench dropping one of them. It hits the floor on its spine making for a dull thud. Renno carefully picks up the book...

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Chapter 14: Consequences

Chapter 14: Consequences For the next few days little changes around the shop. The front howls on occasion through the poor patchwork of boards now sealing the entryway shut. Snow drifts in through the cracks. A slow steady accumulation has continued...

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