In the Negative: Chapter 9
**Chapter 9: Public Enemy #2.** The wolf in the mouth of the den scoffed out a laugh and shook his head. "Now is that any way to greet a guest, runt?" he asked sarcastically. Humphrey scowled. "What are you doing here?" he asked dryly as he...
In the Negative: Chapter 8
**Chapter 8: The Lighter Side** Humphrey laid alone in the den, bored out of his mind, as without Kate, and without the company of any individual, he found that his current situation was rather drab after a while. In his time alone, he had tossed,...
In the Negative: Chapter 6
Chapter 6: Who's to Blame? Kate did not know what to say and henceforth found herself stumbling over her words. "But- y- n- no, hold on," she stammered quickly, "you said-" "I know what I said," Humphrey interrupted, "but you have to try...
The Weight: Chapter 10
Chapter 10: From Bad to Worse Humphrey liked what he was seeing: rocky hideaways, hills, fallen trees, some of which were surrounded by tall grass, and even a few outcroppings under which to hide if such circumstances would arise where he would need a...
In the Negative: Chapter 5
Chapter 5: New Revelations Humphrey slowly stirred with a soft groan and allowed his eyelids to peel themselves apart, only to find himself inside of his den, which was strange to him, because the last thing that he could remember, Cail was about to...
The Weight Chapter 2
**Chapter 2: Life as we Know It.** Humphrey did not realize that he had fallen asleep until he felt the lively rays of the coming sun beating against his eyelids. He groaned in annoyance and pinched his eyelids tighter together for a moment then...
The Weight
**Chapter 1: On a Rail** Tiny particles of dust zipped back and forth like thousands of little insects through the thin beams of light that trickled in through the crack in the door, casting a frail halo of light into the otherwise tenebrous train...
In the Negative: Chapter 3
**Chapter 3: A Demanding Plea for Unity.** The hours seemed to roll along almost as though on a normal day for Kate. She worked her shift, taking care of whatever tasks needed done, and once that was finished, she had spent the remainder of her day...
In the Negative
**Chapter 1: Meager Moments** Kate was both grateful and bitter about her father's decision to send Humphrey away to Alpha School, and for quite obvious reasons. Reason one, was that, while they had been courted to each other for quite some time now,...
The Weight: Chapter 9
Chapter 9: The Darkest Day 424 miles outside of Jasper Dawn greeted the lone omega in a rather unpleasant manner the next morning, for as his eyes opened, they did so with a violent quiver of his body, as the temperature had fallen substantially the...
The Weight: Chapter 8
Chapter 8: Divided We Fall Humphrey's eyes popped open and his head shot quickly up from the ground as a faint, but oddly familiar scream assaulted his ears, but he quickly regretted such an action, for as soon as he moved, he felt his entire body...
The Weight: Chapter 7
Chapter 7: Fate's Fickle Hand By the time Kate had reached the main grounds of her home, she realized that something big was about to happen, as a mass had begun to gather near the base of her father's speech rock. She cared not to question what the...