MHO - The Cult of the Crimson Isles - Chapter 1
_Mystic Heart Odyssey_ _Part 5: The Cult of the Crimson Isles_ _Chapter 1_ _Ah, time for the start of a new episode! Another exotic location, too- even moreso than the last place they saw!_ _Just a heads up, this one, like...
MHO pt 4 - Quality Time - Chapter 8
_Mystic Heart Odyssey_ _Part 4: Quality Time_ _Chapter 8_ _And now part 4 wraps up with some action! A prelude for the adventure to come, perhaps~? And yeah, another long one._ _I almost decided to expand this chapter into its own little 2 or 3...
MHO pt 4 - Quality Time - Chapter 7
_Mystic Heart Odyssey_ _Part 4: Quality Time_ _Chapter 7_ _Kind of a shorter one this time, at least compared to other recent chapters. And mostly dialogue. I promise there's some action coming though! In the next chapter, in fact._ _-Llox_ ...
In the Shadows of Kryckwood - Ch. 4 (MHO)
_Mystic Heart Odyssey_ _Part 6: In the Shadows of Kryckwood_ _Chapter 4_ _A story within a story! Hope you enjoy this bit of grim, creepy background!_ _-Llox_ ...
In the Shadows of Kryckwood - Ch. 3 (MHO)
_Mystic Heart Odyssey_ _Part 6: In the Shadows of Kryckwood_ _Chapter 3_ _In the Kryck, even friendly things are creepy~_ _-Llox_ ...
In the Shadows of Kryckwood - Ch. 2 (MHO)
_Mystic Heart Odyssey_ _Part 6: In the Shadows of Kryckwood_ _Chapter 2_ _...and the creeping terror builds..._ _-Llox_ ...
In the Shadows of Kryckwood - Ch. 1 (MHO)
_Mystic Heart Odyssey_ _Part 6: In the Shadows of Kryckwood_ _Chapter 1_ _Aaand the spooky arc begins! What mysteries and horrors lay within the eerie shadows of The Kryckwood~?_ _-Llox_ ...
Naira's Search, pt 1 (MHO)
_Mystic Heart Odyssey_ _Naira's Search, pt. 1_ _This is the first of a couple little side-chapters focusing on Naira back near Lakefire. This one actually takes place around two weeks into Lykou and Kuna's journey. (So yeah, it's kind of backdated-...
MHO - The Cult of the Crimson Isles - Chapter 23
_Mystic Heart Odyssey_ _Part 5: The Cult of the Crimson Isles_ _Chapter 23_ _Hooookay going out with a long one here, but I guess there was more to wrap up than I thought. That does it for The Cult of the Crimson Isles! I hope you all enjoyed the...
MHO - The Cult of the Crimson Isles - Chapter 22
_Mystic Heart Odyssey_ _Part 5: The Cult of the Crimson Isles_ _Chapter 22_ _What was that about rest and relaxation...? Looks like there'll be one more 'slight' delay before that!_ _-Llox_ ...
MHO - The Cult of the Crimson Isles - Chapter 21
_Mystic Heart Odyssey_ _Part 5: The Cult of the Crimson Isles_ _Chapter 21_ _Aaand the aftermath of the big showdown! Time for things to wind down a bit. It's not quite the end of the episode yet, but it's close!_ ... _Okay yeah, I slipped...
MHO - The Cult of the Crimson Isles - Chapter 20
_Mystic Heart Odyssey_ _Part 5: The Cult of the Crimson Isles_ _Chapter 20_ _Time to take down a demonic duo!_ _-Llox_ ...