The Lord Tiranis, An Origin, Book 4 (part 3 of 8) (an excerpt)
A story of the past "My designation is VDK, of the First Speci-" "I don't care." "I am a representative of the US military," Vee said. "We're on our way to-" "I said I don't give a damn who you are. Maybe you missed the message, but there...
The Lord Tiranis, An Origin,Book 4 (Part 2 of 8) (an excerpt)
**A story of the past ** "Who are you?" Vee asked. "I'm Commander Susan Rodriguez." RSM whispered. "Commander?" El echoed her puzzlement, there was no 'commander' rank in the army. "Which army division are you from?" "What does that...
The Lord Tiranis, An Origin, Book 4 (part 5 of 8)
DCH was back, without any food. "Sir, we have a problem. Alicia is at the entrance to the tunnel with guards, they don't look happy." Vee didn't respond. His eyes were fixed on a child. El could tell it was dead from the lack of movement in the...
The Society, CH 5
Chapter 5 Denton left Zee and Marcus' house at four in the morning, after getting no more than four hours of sleep. The bucks didn't stir when he left the bed. They were utterly exhausted. Zee was exclusively a bottom, and Marcus claimed to be a...
The Missing Son, Chapter 34
The Missing Son 34 Patrick didn't know how long he was going to stay this time, and he had no intention of taking advantage of Richard's generosity. He spent Sunday walking around that neighborhood looking for any type of small jobs he could do. It...
Going home: Strongburgh, Part 3 of 4 (an excerpt)
"Excuse me," he asked the man walking up the stairs "Where is Glamboro Hall?" the man shrugged. Eric asked the next person, a human woman. She gave him direction and he thanked her. "There!" He spun and at the top of the stairs a student was...
Going home: Strongburgh, Part 4 of 4 (an excerpt)
Going home: Strongburgh, Part 4 of 4 He shoved the metal slim between the wooden door and the frame, just above the lock and pushed against it. The door cracked and the lock assembly bulged, but not enough. He forced the slim back in, this time...
The Lord Tiranis, An Origin,Book 4 (Part 1) (an excerpt)
**A story of the past** El and Vee were lying naked on the jungle floor, away from the camp. They were sweating and panting from the heat as much as what they'd just finished doing. Their celebration for having finished the mission. El looked...
The Lord Tiranis, An Origin, Book 5 (part 4 of 13)
"I couldn't have children! We were made sterile! We weren't people to them, we were weapons! Made to fight an die. Do you have any idea what it is like to find you can have children when you've believe that for centuries?" With a laugh Lars sent the...
The Lord Tiranis, An Origin, Book 5 (part 3 of 13)
"Look, maybe you didn't ask around, but I was near death when I made it into the tavern. It took two days before I was in good enough of a state to do more than rest and eat." "And how did you find the tavern? No one could have known where it was...
TCN Interview, Alexander Orr
What is your name: Alexander Orr, Well, I can actually say this now. Detective Alexander Orr. I passed the exam last month and got my shield this morning. Is this what the interview is about? Ahh, okay, I hope the others were well behaved during...
The Lord Tiranis, An Origin, Part 2 (1st half) (an excerpt)
A story of the past The air in the prefabricated building was humid. LRK didn't need to see the water beading on the face of the human before him, or the sheen it created on the technicians' fur at the consoles to know it. The air felt thick with...