Tales From Switch City: Zach's Tale

Tales From Switch City Zach's Tale By CalexTheNeko Switch city: a strange place built on a Nexus between worlds. There are an infinite number of universes and timelines, and an infinite number of versions of yourself. Under...

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Tales From Switch City: Kickaha's Tale

Tales From Switch City Kickaha's Tale "Hmmmmmm." Kickaha was staring very intently at a small drainpipe that was attached to a local school building. The rust and white colored foxyote narrowed his eyes with impatience as he continued to...

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Tales From Switch City: Jimmy's Tale

Tales From Switch City Jimmy's Tale Meanwhile, in the abandoned warehouse district of Switch City, a nefarious science experiment was being undertaken by none other than the nefarious Dr. Mutagen. The creator of armies of evil half-human,...

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Tales From Switch City: Cris' Tale

Tales From Switch City Cris' Tale Switch City: A place built upon a nexus in the multiverse. Where every single timeline in existence collides and meets together, and where the borders between them are tenuous. So thin, that it is easy to...

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Another Perfectly Normal Day At School

Just Another Normal Day At School By CalexTheNeko Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tony gave an exasperated sigh as he watched the clock slowly tick away. It wasn't anywhere close to time to get out of class. Heck, it wasn't even lunch time...

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My Little Kickaha

My Little Kickaha By CalexTheNeko "Hey, don't blame me, you're the one who said 'hey is for horses.' I was just helping out." Kickaha snickered at the small horse, really more of a pony, that he had been addressing. She was currently trying to...

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No Pants, Only Masks

No Pants, Only Masks By CalexTheNeko It had been three days since the three young kokiri had set off from Kokiri Forest towards a festival far from their village. They were making great progress, but hunger dictated that they needed to stop...

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Ignoring a Game's ToS

Ignoring a Game's ToS By CalexTheNeko Today was a special day, the kind of day that gamers around the world make plans, wait in lines in the cold, and camp out in front of stores waiting to be the first to harass a minimum wage employee into...

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Tales From Switch City: Lockely's Tale

Tales From Switch City Lockely's Tale By CalexTheNeko For every decision you have ever made there exists another version of you that has made the opposite. And so began the existence of infinite timelines. However, there are more timelines...

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Karma Express Delivery

Karma Express Delivery By CalexTheNeko One would think that living on a diet of rodents you could freely hunt in the woods would lead to sound economic security. And Kickaha was certain that at one point in his life that had been true. The...

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A Bolt Out of the Blue

A Bolt out of the Blue By CalexTheNeko After a week of traveling our hero finally makes it to Saffron City. The promise in the letter that had started Kody's travels through the Kanto region was about to finally pay off. As soon as he reached...

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You Break It, You Cursed By It

You Break It, You Cursed By It By CalexTheNeko Deven was in an antique store. Why was he in an antique store? He had no interest in old worn out junk. And yet here he was. Well, the reason was he was bored. He had come out to the flea market...

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