The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Twelve

astorians began running all over the place trying to escape. one side of the entire square was blatantly open, which is where everyone began sprinting now.

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The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Four

"_ > > > > > --yours truly markus's body felt as if it had been melted, vaporized, then solidified a thousand times over as the three astorians suddenly appeared in what appeared to be a grassy field, out in the middle of nowhere.

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The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Two

Markus watched the exchange of words with wide eyes, his ears twitched once more at the strange word "astorian", he asked,"what exactly are you? or, what are we?".

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The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Six

_ _--"dirty harry"_ the five slowly turned, to see a large, muscled warthog astorian, staring at them, with at least a dozen canine soldiers behind him, holding onto their guns with maniacal grins on their muzzles.

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The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Ten

Either that soda that riskar had given him really did make him feel better, or astorians packed more stamina than humans.

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The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Fifteen

His grin disappeared, as he raised his shotgun, his squadron of men, a good hundred astorians hefted their weapons, most carrying rifles and shotguns, with long chiseled blades on the ends of them stood ready, aiming at the two, a few even bore bows, similar

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The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Three

With a red star embedded on his hat and his breast on his sickly green uniform, a german shepherd astorian stepped into the apartment. looking around the home with a haughty arrogance and distaste in his gaze.

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The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Fourteen

## Chapter Fourteen Dante, Erebosian Wolf * * * _"The courage of life is often a less dramatic spectacle than the courage of a final moment; but it is no less a magnificent mixture of triumph and tragedy." --John F. Kennedy_ Narr felt...

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The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Thirteen

## The Furry Rebellion Dante, Erebosian Wolf * * * _"I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of...

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The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Eight

**Chapter Eight** Dante, Erebosian Wolf * * * _"What beats four aces? A gun."_ _--Canada Bill Johns_ What met Markus's eyes was Narr, convulsing on the ground, some sort of green liquid was oozing out of his wide open muzzle, his eyes colored a...

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The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Eleven

### Chapter Eleven Dante, Erebosian Wolf * * * _"It is during our darkest moments we must focus to see the light."_ _-- Aristotle Onassis_ A large market square was laid out before them, large city buildings with stores all around a large square...

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The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Seven

### Chapter Seven * * * _"Wait! Stop! Don't clean it up this mess is organized perfectly!"_ _--Yours truly_ "Home sweet home!" exclaimed Riskar, as he plopped himself down on a nearby beanbag, that seemed to have the life beaten out of it and...

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