Eloisat tyynyt

"e-en mi-mistään, ä-älä sy-syö mi-minua" andy sanoi peloissaan. "älä pelkää, en minä sinua syö, sitäpaitsi olen vegaani" vixy sanoi rauhoitaakseen andyä.

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Andy 2 - Frontman Andy!

andy pulled out the piece of paper in his pocket and handed it to him, "i'm andy and i'm here about the advert. you need a singer, right?" looking at the paper and then back at andy the ferret gave him a sharp look.

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Taking Andy

After breakfast, andy and i cleaned off the table; our parents had already left for work so we had no choice. andy tried to get all of the dishes in one trip.


Full Circle - Part 5

#5 of full circle part 5 andy sat there, staring straight into the figure's eyes. the figure tried to break free from andy's grip, but andy easily overpowered him, his adrenalin in full effect. "let me go!"

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Full Circle - Part 4

andy sat quietly still. russel looked at andy. "andy," russel paused, "i'm so sorry." andy heard russel say it, and he knew he meant it. andy sat in the room with russel for a while.

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Full Circle - Part 3

I dealt with guys like you, accepting my help doesn't make you weak," said otis as he walked next to andy. andy turned towards otis, still walking. otis grabbed andy's shoulder again. this time andy accepted the help.

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The Paintbrush (Anthro Amaterasu TF/TG)

andy let out a small feminine giggle and nod, saying "yes." in a very high pitched, feminine voice. the light turned green and andy drove on. as he did, andy's arms and whole torso grew white fur, some red marking forming on him.

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Full Circle - Part 7

andy had never seen him dressed casually; he only ever saw him in his work uniform. otis stood solid as andy approached him. andy stood looking at him, not knowing what to do next. andy then opened his arms to hug otis.

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The Hitchhikers - Chapter 1 - The Shocking Reply

He looked from andy's ear to the side of andy's face and realized that he was still sad. he could see the sadness in andy's eyes and wanted to get his mind off of it; even if just for awhile.

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Full Circle - Part 6

"good job, andy. you did good." andy shook his hand, still cuffed, and continued walking with the officer.

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Full Circle - Part 1

"bye, andy!" sandy yelled as andy walked out the door. andy didn't reply, but it didn't bother her; he hadn't replied for a while. andy's trip back home was the same as the trip to work; his mind drifted to other subjects.

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Full Circle - Part 2

Asked andy in a deep, hoarse voice. "i think we all know why you're here, andy," replied ronald. andy looked up at him. "they were going to let me go, then something changed. what happened?" ronald sighed.

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