Aleu: Tale of the Alpha
aleu asked.
Aleu family: one family's soul
Later on taku and aleu come back and say " there gone " aleu hugs her pups something with taku.
aleu and taku: rose and steele
Then boris says " look who i found" aleu says" hi papa" balto puts his ears up and looks and sees aleu he starts to cry then his gives aleu a big hug aleu starts to cry to. jenna hugs aleu and kodi hugs her to.
new pup and the big fight part 2
Sttele grabs aleu and brings her to jenna. jenna licks aleu steele says in his mind i have faith in you balto be safe. aleu then says'' taku '' she then kissed her mate and says'' im fine are u ok''. taku says'' im fine aleu'' aleu smiles then does not see
Balto - Family Reunion
"i'm so glad to see you again, aleu." jenna said, rubbing her head against aleu's. "and i'm glad to see you again, mama" aleu cooed. "how have you been, aleu?" kodi asks. "i've been great, thanks, kodi" aleu said.
aleu new dad part 1
. aleu then attacks raven then she growls'' who are you get out intrudder'' jenna then smacks aleu then says'' dont touch him like that you never met him i tought you better'' aleu holds her face for when jenna smacked her. aleu growls and says'' what
aleu new dad part 2
. aleu then says'' hi mother'' jenna says'' can i talk to u for a moment'' aleu then gives stormy back to rose then her and jenna walk out side the cave jenna the looks and then speakes'' listen im sorry i hit you but plz aleu give raven a chance'' aleu
aleu and taku:new pup and the big fight
Later that night the north pack comes to attack aleu pack. they sneak into the packs home. the howl then taku ears go up and her growling . he says " aleu trouble ". aleu looks and says" oh no" aleu says " kids watch nova and stay hear".
the bad news
Sees stella and boris comming aleu thinks her mind is playing tricks until the both crashed landed into her. aleu lifts her head rubing it with her paw giving boris that you can fly now?????.
balto vs raven: worst birthday ever!!!
After aleu and the pack see balto's return aleu gives the word out that balto is home and to get on with the party. in aleu's cave aleu jenna balto raven and taku have a convasation. aleu looks at the tired out wolf dog as he was siting down skinny and panting
Thank you for being my papa
"you don't really mean that aleu. i know you don't." balto said calmly. "and i came here because i care. you're my daughter aleu, and no matter what happens, i love you." he finished with a smile.
They'd Never Let Us Know
aleu grimaced. 'papa!"