Zombie Apocalypse
I decided to try my luck with the zombies since I suck at writing the life story, love life, and all the other types of stories that bring in the customers. This will be my version of the zombie apocfurlypse, since i couldn't stand waiting for the...
Zombie Apocalypse chapter seven
this one took way too long, but i think it's my best chapter yet. enjoy ^.=.^ Chapter seven: Pit of Death. ...
Experiment Time
So put some ideas in a hat and drew out the plot line of "zombie apocalypse."
Zombie apocalypse: chapter 4
this one took longer than the other chapters, but it's finally done :) hope everyone enjoys it....
Breakdown (100 Word Story)
This the condensed concept of a scene i have planned for my next novel series, breakdown, which is basically about an alien virus that mutates people and results in the zombie apocalypse. gunfire blazed.
Don't Look In The Mist Book 1 Prologue
A new zombie apocalypse story about an incurable virus called sterile rage. this is the first book in a series that focuses on the different survivors. i hope you enjoy. in the year 2025, a new virus was discovered in the poor parts of california.
The Apocalypse: Day of Reckoning. Intro
well, here it is, part one of the second...
Bon Voyage...
-(i think in an actual zombie apocalypse, i'd lose myself among all the painful realities that one would find just trying to live through a rough day.
Zombie Apoc-fur-lypse
Well the zombie apocalypse of course. yeah the stuff you would hear in a cheesy horror movie. people being eaten alive, zombies everywhere, whole cities deserted. all the cheerful stuff that makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside.
Zombie Apoc-fur-lypse
Well the zombie apocalypse of course. yeah the stuff you would hear in a cheesy horror movie. people being eaten alive, zombies everywhere, whole cities deserted. all the cheerful stuff that makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside.
Zombie Apocalypse: Chapter Two
Chapter two of my zombie apocalypse. i had fun writing this and i hope everyone that reads it enjoys the story ^.=.^  
Zombie Apocalypse: chapter six
well, here it is, chapter six. i noticed that the chapter name ins't original, but i was too lazy to come up with something better. hope everyone enjoys this instlalment of the apocalypse ^.=.^...