Dartmouth Part Three: Weekend Out

_Author's note: The Drifter returns tomorrow, so check it out if you haven't had the chance yet._ ## Dartmouth Part Three: Weekend Out Well I was finally about to experience the town that I lived in. I woke up at around nine that Saturday, ate a...

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Gemini – Book 2 – Chapter 7: Theories

"it's just that when that strange liquid-like creature chased after something weird happened, and i think it relates to the merging." lance was now interested in what he had to say.

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The Haunting

But then something weird happened. i saw myself walk out the door and go down the street toward my friends, and what did i do? i did the only thing i could, i followed.


Nightmare on Jefferson Ch. 8

"sorry just something weird happened last night, and i can't explain it." "well you can tell me." "i heard a voice when i was trying to sleep. it was very scary. gave me the chills." "you must have just been stressed out, sorry for acting like that."

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W.O.L.F. Shadow of Chernobyl Pilot

We almost got out until... something weird happened. the doors closed shut tight by themselves and we all blacked out. when i woke up, everyone was gone... i didn't find them. i was in a bathroom and radioed the others.

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The Power Within - Prologue & Chapter 1

Then, something weird happens. junsei's body feels light, his head dizzy, thoughts no longer registering with complete clarity.

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The Dog Hole: Chapter 8 -- Workshop

"also, something weird happened to me last night. some guy in the movie room...he...caressed me while i slept." when bebe looked up, snibbly had a weird look on his face. "so we agree that that's not normal.

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Pyrex's day off (Patreon reward for Nyeogmi)

Just as he reached the end of the stairwell and tried to enter his lab, something weird happened. his brain froze momentarily - and before he knew it, he'd made a 180º turn and was walking the way he'd just come.

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Hypnovember Day 8 - Forest

Something weird happened with the wolf's eyes - or at least lager thought he saw something weird. whatever it was, it was gone moments later. "anyway, gimme a shout if you get lost!" the wolf shrugged and stretched with a satisfied grunt.

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Dartmouth Part Two: Dartmouth High School

Without anything weird happening over the week, i started to believe that i had fallen asleep while working, dreamed the whole event up, and then woke up paranoid enough to believe the dream.

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The Third Child - Nico

It slips away, and something weird happens." "like what?" derek leaned forward, intrigued. "it's different. sometimes it's good, sometimes bad. the first time something happened, vekh broke his arm falling off a ladder.

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Surprise Mechanics

'okay, if something weird happens when i take 'this' off, then i'll try putting on that big suit.' he tried to keep his thoughts on track, but it wasn't easy. luna pulled down the zipper very slowly.

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