Problems of a Distraught Cub - Week One: Monday (Morning)
**Monday Morning** They woke me up really early in the morning, the sun just barely coming up. I hadn't gotten any sleep the night before, because I was too restless to be able to sleep at all. Plus the night terrors that haunt my dreams nearly every...
COMM - Just Lion Around - Commission for Jensen - Prologue -
Through whatever processes the company employed... they were grown from nothing to fully formed product in less than a week. one of my jobs was to clean their stables, pens or cages - ensure their comfort and feed them."
Problems of a Distraught Cub - Intro p.7
They know of the minimum of 4 weeks with visits from me each week, one or more visits per. the child will be wearing a gps anklet to keep the child from running away.
Ryan's Life
"two weeks, one for drinking, one for lying," answered kate. "you got caught!" yelled lilly. "lilly, eat your food," said kate. "as for you, go take a shower, get dressed and come back down," said kate. "ok," said ryan as he slumped up the stairs.
Journal Entry 1
Hello to whoever it may concern, this is baylor reporting in on how my week one went. so far, i haven't found a reason to enjoy my life in here.
Aleisha's Story - Chapter Two - Aftermath
Her parents never left her side for nearly three weeks, one always with her, sitting beside her bed and holding their daughters paw.
My frozen soul saved with love part three
My vibrant cobalt blue eyes are now solid and gloomy indigo and black markings have been appearing on my back for the past week. one of the markings look like the pendant, but the other one is a different object, seems similar to my pendant.
Gloria's Strange Addiction
Last week one showed up in alaska." she looked nervously at father mike. "are you going to fire me?" father mike looked down at her. "no, gloria. you haven't stolen anything so i'm not going to fire you."
And all the while, neither of them had noticed that donnchadh was fully healed within the span of a week. one evening, fiona took donnchadh to go climbing the slopes of a small mountain. "come on, donnchadh," said fiona cheerfully.
Love is Color Blind Chapter 10: Outplayed
"you're not wrong, but i've learned two things in the past weeks. one, you exist, and if i couldn't see you anymore, that would suck." "aw." kuyomi smirked and nuzzled into robin's side.
Zach - Chapter II
one night in the winter he had been searching through the trash for thrown away food when he heard rowdy cheering and mumbling - the slur of drunken men walking into the empty park.
Part one- The woman
And so it went for weeks. one could almost call it dating, he walked her to work and when she got done she waited for him and they walked back togeather. days off were spent at the park or in the movies or just curled up with each other.