Introduction to The Lone and Level Sands Stretch Far Away

#53 of poetry so, when you submit a story to be read on the voice of dog, assuming it's long enough to be split into two parts, you're expected to write a little "here's what was in part 1" summary, for the host to read to catch the listener back up since

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There's a Place in the Great Pack for You

They were what got me involved in the voice of dog, which is now not just my job but my vocation. the first of these did so from flat nothing.

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The Homecoming of Daniel Usherswell

#51 of poetry written for the voice of dog's pride month, and because khakidoggy wanted to try a reading of something with this meter.

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The Lone And Level Sands Stretch Far Away

And you can listen to a reading of this, on the voice of dog, by nenekiri here: part 1: part 2: coming soon.

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A Lesson in Hauntings

. --- this was written for ghost of dog 2023, on the voice of dog, and you can listen to a reading of it here: --- by reading this online version, you confirm you are not associated with openai

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A Town Called Yesterday

#49 of poetry i certainly didn't forget to upload this and then only remember months later when it got read on voice of dog and i went looking for the link only to dicover that there wasn't one! nope!

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A look at "Variables" by Roland Jovaik

The ending, in short, was absolutely within the intent of the voice of dog, and my life is richer and happier for having experienced it. the story is told effortlessly through the androids calculating perspective.

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Ragnarok - Epilogue

And khaki, and the the voice of dog, without whom i would never have bothered re-uploading any of this. so ends the tale of shane the champion. of his blood-brother, varr the last-to-flee. of klau the berserker, called the blacksword.

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Dear Concerned Estranged

You can listen to a reading of this by makyo on the voice of dog here: i saw that you left me a voicemail. i noticed you sent me a card.


Rest Less

This appeared on the voice of dog, read by khakidoggy and you can listen to it here: cold clouds coiling around the pregnant moon. night is calling to me. it is rising. it is soon.

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Samovar: a poem

(copyright 2020 by altivo overo) audio version available, narrated by khakidoggy on "the voice of dog" podcast: **samovar** _a poem by altivo overo_ _(with no apologies to sir walter scott)_ o bold samovar galloped into the west,

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A Sweet October Night

You can find the voice of dog podcast where this story was read by rob macwolf here! thomas stirred in bed. it looked like another uneasy night.

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