Now Where Were We...

Previously on the Amazing Race, our teams found themselves digging out of their own graves. A U-Turn sent one team back to do it a second time. The officers proved that going upstream can be a tough battle. The first team to arrive was the friends with...

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A Pack of Two, Part. 2

The deafening sound of gunfire blasted away in rapid succession for a full second. "Marcus!" John heard himself screaming from the ground beyond the window, all stealth forgotten. The secret of their position didn't seam to matter if Marcus was...

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L.H.A - Chapter Two - Part Two

I laid there on my back looking from one female to the other and they did the same. I watched as they looked at each other, then to me, then to the others in the room. After what seemed like a eternity I felt myself begin to grow bored and a bit tired...

Round two part 2; This Fire Burns

Round two comes to a close Characters in here belong to me, except for Angel, and Singe, They belong to their owners. Enjoy. * * * Smith Johnson, me, Angel, Mayra, Josh Matthew, Nancy Cypress, and Jackie Cypress. Had already made it to the...

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Gold Lightning Series Two… Part Two

Gold and Black wake up in the early afternoon after have fun all night. They go to check on the garden, and find some black berries growing by the garden. So they extend the garden walls to that bush. After they get concret slabs out they go for lunch....


Bar Jocks: Story Two, Part 4

Frankie was having a rather good time at his table. A broad bulldog in skin-tight spandex took his order while a hunky gryphon in green gave him a nicely-made gin and tonic. He looked around at the establishment, enjoying the scantily-clad eye...

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Recover of being 707 chapter two part two

Cameron Hilla is the youngist of them. His father was professor in a Museum in the 80s and 90s and today. He alway love history and culture as a child and one day. See them!!!! he 25 right now. Paula Windston is the only female in...

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Life Here After - Chapter Two - Part One

I hadn't grown accustomed to the pain my body was going through but I had become familiar with the cold that seemed to slowly creep into my body. The air I was breathing was slowly stopping. Whatever had happened, it was over. I opened my eyes slowly...

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Round two part 1; Dragons VS Ancient Gears

Round two has begun, Angel, Sage, and Singe. Belong to their owners, the characters I own, Smith, Trayvon, and others. Enjoy * * * The next day, all the remaining duelist headed back to the arena for round two. All various species found their...

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Going Away

Dustin's boss honked the horn, breaking the kiss between the two parting mates. dustin was now crying just as hard as kody was; both of them seemed to have hurt pouring from their eyes.

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[]( issue 2 []( issue 3 []( issue 4 (two

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The Redeem: Chapter 9

#6 of the redeem **previous chapter:** []( _this is the second part of the two-part chapter from jase's point of view. next week will begin eryth's two part chapters._ [!

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