Primrose Valley: The First Trick or Treat
It's called trick or treating. you ring the doorbell, someone answers, you ask trick or treat, and they give you candy." "trick or treat?" the espeon's eyes lit up with mischief. "so what happens if they choose trick?
Vignette: Your Unfriendly Neighborhood Ghost Goat
"trick or treat, karen," he intoned menacingly, gripping her throat and forcing her back as he stepped through the threshold and lifted the pillowcase.
A Treat Sweeter Than Candy
As she turned to the first house that she would trick-or-treat at, i was still quite a bit behind her.
Haunted House
#54 of commissions a halloween themed trade which i did for nelson88 it's about two cubs who go out trick or treating and get more than just candy.
Trick and Treat: Part One.
It had been a quiet few hours in the library. Not entirely uncommon; sometimes the library would be barren, then groups of university students who couldn't afford a personal internet source would flock in to get some, if not all, of their work done at...
A Spooky Halloween
"i asked you guys if you had your trick or treat bags and flashlights" desmond inquired once more. "yesh we do now can we go?" quincy answered with baited breath. " alright we can go now."
Drunken Halloween Lullaby #2
Happy halloween <3 drunken lullabies © flogging molly **drunken halloween lullaby #2** by bartan tirix "trick-or-treat!" the twin troublemakers chirped at the doorway, getting chuckles and awes from the home owners at their costumes.
Pitch Episode 40: Tricks and Treats
Velmer's underground Halloween party reminded me of STR. There was loud music, cheap beer, and too many people. No one was fighting over places to sleep, and there weren't any burning statues, but there were similarities. "All I'm saying is, your...
A Sweet Couple
Monotone calls of 'trick or treat' sounding around them as their personal army dropped off candy, bowed, and went elsewhere for more.
Prologue: Suck, Trick or Treat 2, Historical Halloween
This prologue introduces my story "suck" from trick or treat 2: historical halloween, which shares pages with... horrifying tales by huskyteer, jason "houston"walther, nighteyes dayspring, hafoc, and voicespider well as erotically charged romps by whyteyote
The Most Important Part of Halloween
"trick or treat! trick or treat! trick or treat!" house after house, the young cub bounded past inflated frankenstein's, through ghastly arches, and around carved jack-o-lanterns. her bag, steadily, began to fill in.
A Halloween Tradition
So he decides to go do a little trick or treating, and issue some tricks to those who don't remember to give out treats.