Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 31

Xxxi playing tricks on the spies (day 234 on tashoo) tyarza and i worked steadily until lunch, during this whole time the warrior never moved from where he was standing and continually stared at us.

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Unnamed #1

It can play tricks and games, ever close to losing control. the mind is a powerhouse, an infinite mansion, of horrors and joys, of dreams and nightmares.

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Poem again x3

Was my mind playing tricks? no cry, no movement, not even a breath . . .


Was the mist playing tricks on her? fear seeped through her bones as the fog thickened, twining sinuously around the equine, once more shielding the animal.

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Violet (Your Lancer Interlude 3)

I would play tricks on the adults, you would follow me then make me fess up. like the good boy you are. the days of our adolescence, i don't look back so fondly. having to hold back my feelings for you, hurt more than you'll ever know.

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the bad news

tricks until the both crashed landed into her. aleu lifts her head rubing it with her paw giving boris that you can fly now?????.

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A furr at Freddy's: your greatest nightmare! (part 3, the end)

, i wake up screaming and swearing, i try to jump up but i cant, i am stuck... pined to my bed, in some kind of sleep paralysis, my eyes started playing tricks on me, i saw him moving around my room, not the nightmares, even worst... i saw the man that was

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Tragic Life Part 3....

Was his mind playing tricks on him? "no couldn't be" they're the fox sat looking straight at him in the flesh.

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frist test a dead world chapter two

Tyron shakes his head as he knows there nothing in the dark, but the sounds and the darkness can play tricks on your mind.

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Poetry's Easy and Prose is Powerful: Srsly (My heart was 3)

.** poetry is an artform that is essentially about playing tricks with prose for a beautiful effect. the reason i bring it up is because it highlights something very interesting. people think they know how to write poetry.

CJ's Got Fleas

For a moment he thought his mind was playing tricks on him, but as the beaver next to him continued to scratch, there it happened again. something small and brown, hopping along cj's body. flick was sure of what he saw this time and acted immediately.

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tricks on me(man i need to get more sleep) so after that i told my friends i was sleepy and i would just walk back to my apartment and get some much need sleep .they all said there good byes and i hope no one had notice me acting weird did not want any one

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