College Years

Story by Tenpenny on SoFurry

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#6 of College Years

Sorry for the delay everyone, but here is part 1 of chapter 6, enjoy!

College Years Chapter 6, Part 1


Orlando walked with me back to my dorm room, we talked quietly the entire way. Once we reached the dorm, Orlando rubbed his shoulder anxiously.

"May I come in?"

I looked to him in surprise.


He rubbed his shoulder again. "I-I don't wanna go back to my dorm just yet really I-"

Just then the door to my dorm opened and to our surprise the Dean came out. He eyed us for a moment before shutting the door. Then the snow fox turned and grinned at us.

"Evening gentlemen, how are we doing for the first day?"

I looked to Orlando then back to Dean Thomas. "Umm, it was fine sir, uh, may I ask you something sir?"

He smiled. "I was just talking to my son about important matters. Speaking of important matters," He looked to Orlando. "Mister Greenacre, I want to speak with you in my office, now."

Orlando's eyes grew wide, but before he could say anything, Dean Thomas had already turned away and was now striding off down the hall, every fur who saw him quickly getting out of the way.

The otter looked to me for a moment before quickly saying "See ya later!" and rushing off after the snow fox.

I looked after him for a minute or two before I turned my attention to the door in front of me. I didn't know that Allen was the Dean's son, but how could that be? Allen is a red fox while the Dean is a snow fox. Well, unless Allen was adopted or something. That's when I realized something as I stared at the door. Quickly I checked my pockets then let out a groan. I had forgotten my key on the counter. Stepping forward and reaching out, I hoped above all hope that Allen was in the room. So I knocked and waited.

After several moments of nothing happening, my ears drooped and I let out a tired sigh. Turning I slowly began making my way to the Main Office to see if they had a spare key, then suddenly;


I turned back around. It was Allen standing in the doorway, rubbing his shoulder. Smiling in relief, I answered, "Oh good, I was hoping you were in there! I had forgotten my key inside! Um, how are you doing?"

The fox leaned against the door frame and continued rubbing his shoulder with what seemed to me as a nervous look on his face.

"Uh, I'm doing alright I, could I talk to you inside?"

"Sure?" He stepped back into the dorm with me following him. Once inside, I shut the door and looked to him. "What do you wanna talk about?"

Allen began reluctantly.

"Well, first of all I need to apologize for how much of an ass I've been, I'm sorry if I hurt you or anything. It's only that I never realized how much I need you until now. Blake...I love you"

I stared at him for awhile, unable to utter so much as a single squeak. He just told me that he loved me, when I came to Morton University I was never expecting to fall back into love again, yet the very first day I had met the hottest fox I had ever seen and it had happened. Then the day after that he tells me that he loves me too? These are things that one would expect to happen in a fairy tale, not in actual life.

It took me another moment to register the fact that he was waiting anxiously for me to say something. I saw the look in his eyes, a look filled with genuine feelings for me, but then in those amber eyes I saw a slight hint of green. I don't know if it was my mind playing tricks on me or if it was really there, for once I blinked the hint was gone.

But something had been triggered from deep down in my heart by the green hint. I remembered that I had been in love once before. For three years I had been in love, until the day I graduated from high school. I remembered the exact words that had been said to me:

'"Blake, we're done, I just can't be with you anymore....I don't love you"'

Tears blurred my vision. I couldn't go through that again, I just couldn't. Turning, I ran to the door, threw it open and left the dorm, leaving Allen all by himself...