Torpedo Run Chapter 26

Hi everyone! Welcome to SoFurry 2.0! Celebrate with comments :D Chapter 26 Blood and iron filled the air, as the Ix'kat war party swarmed from the open hallway, straight through the front line of enemy defenders, and swooped down on the...

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Torpedo Run Chapter 25

Hi everybody. The saga of the Fist of the Nascent Dawn, her brave crew, and a few others continues. Please let me know what you think of the story, the writing style, and so on :) Thanks! And thanks for reading! Chapter 25 Chaos reigned in the...

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The Nature of Warfare

Compared to modern wars on terra, takomenian naval battles are gargantuan in terms of numbers of vessels, combined tonnage, and area.

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Light Bane: Chapter 14

I fought in the naval battles against the dusdolfians and i knew them. they were still humans and werewolves. this? this ain't human, nor werewolves. nay. they're demons. literal demons."

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Terminology and Names

Two of the largest naval battles in takomenian history took place in the general area of marietta, the first resulting in a kantarian/likurian victory.

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Alcatraz-Character Bios V2

Riddick's early life was riddled with naval battles just out the window and gang skirmishes on the streets outside. it's suspected he was in a gang at some point as well. life took a turn after brother was killed in gang violence.


Who's Bigger Now?

Out in the water, most likely having been dispatched from a nearby military base, was an entire fleet of naval battle ships.

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Torpedo Run Chapter 20

One screen showed the fleet's positioning, hundreds of green blips of varying sizes and shapes by ship class, in constant motion, swirling in the chaos-dance of naval battle.

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Alcatraz Ch X~Dissonant Attraction

Riddick recalled the nights the naval battles just out on the sea kept him up, his street being just on the coast with a view from his old bedroom's window. so far away, he realized he felt more vulnerable here. his family... friends...

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Chapter Five Home Base Link Up

"that's a good start for the naval battle, dose anyone have a suggestion for the air campaign?" darin asked. "iron clad here, i think we should use a taskforce and send them against the invasion fleet.

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Chapter Seven The Rescue Mission

He smiled and picked up a fax containing the aud casualties from the naval battle. the numbers were terrible. sethi-arh then gives darin the report. as darin read the report, his face turned pale.

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