A Dragon's Tale-The Star's Journey-Chapter 13-Crash
The fly up river took the entirety of two or so minutes. We were coming around a river bend when I spotted six gunboats in the middle of the river with a barge in between them. All seven boats were crawling with MPLA soldiers. "Coming on the convoy...
Spirits (Part Five)
We essentially take land during a war, and keep the people safe from harm until military actions have ceased, then do our best to make sure they can care for and govern themselves before moving on..." loka's eyes widened as he spoke. "war...?
World in Conflict Ch 5 U-2
Mark: we must take military action now! * * * 48hrs later in west berlin a small group of (5 ) us marines weres sucesful in finding the machine and powered it with the pre existing infastucture.
world in conflict ch2 part 1
A few days pass and nikita khrushchev authorizes some military action just as promised, to help stregthen the alliance between the union and the southern sergals.
misc story 1: Chloe (p. 1)
He rolled his head to look at her, and she set down a piece of paper with information on military actions on it. she then wished him well and left. he watched her leave, and then drove back to the safe house.
Spiral Nebula - Chapter 29
After they arrived at the cabin from the long hike, yukiomaru insisted on staying updated with his crew and the military actions happening throughout the solar system.
Chapter 8: First Salvo
Under no circumstances are you to order military action unless i am apprised first and foremost. is that clear admiral?" "yes sir..."
Formicidae Chapter 03
Two colonies have been on the brink of war for years, skirmishes on the borders and espionage tactics keeping them on the edge of open battle but never quite falling into all out military action.
Children of Steel
Corporate action was euphemism for a military action, this may not be a military ship, but it probably carried as much armament as one. the corporations played for keeps. "i want you to see the quartermaster and get outfitted.
Eos 4: Beyond Repair
Dual protests from the chg and the azrulians were met with threats of military action from the epinephrine throne.
Embertooth - Chapter 5: Decisions
-his father had been talking about the military actions they had started in the northern strait that connected the two halves of the continent; without enthusiasm, but proudly -. the troops i sent to the south, however, were not as successful.
Chapter Five Home Base Link Up
"darin, its jake, listen there is an aud committee meeting to discuss military action against the vlatorrans if they should strike." "jake listen," said darin. "it's not a question of if, but when.