Embertooth - Chapter 5: Decisions

Story by Rukj on SoFurry

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#18 of Frostpaw

Hello everyone!

This is the fifth chapter of Embertooth. There are a few reasons why it has taken me so long to update the story. One of them is that this chapter initially was not going to be like the one you can see here; just the scene at the end was the same. I can't explain exactly what are these changes because I would be spoiling the story, but anyway, know that in the first version things happened in a different way. On the other hand, the translation of this chapter has been more difficult than usual and has taken me a lot of time. I had some problems selecting the words that the characters would use since they were speaking in a very specific context. As always, if you notice something strange or any mistake, just let me know and I will try to fix it as soon as I can.

That's all for the moment. Thanks for reading! I hope you like this chapter ^^

Ike fidgeted with the collar of his shirt, feeling a bit anxious.

During the long year he had spent in the Box, he had got used to the grey uniform, which seemed to be made especially for his size and build, even though it had been made by humans. Ironically, the clothes he was wearing now, designed by the tailors in the palace, felt too warm and restrictive, and the lion could not feel totally comfortable with them.

He was not helped by the fact that, after leaving Zèon in his bedroom, his father had sent a servant to inform him that he was invited to that night's dinner, in which the king would speak with the patriarch of the Softpaws about the war that was taking place in the south and the possibility to find new settlements. Ike remembered those reunions; he had lived with them until he had disappeared, and he knew it would be a meeting full of tense negotiations. After a whole day walking to get to the palace, the last thing he wanted to do was precisely see how his father intimidated a poor fehlar until he could get what he wanted.

However, he had not had other choice but accept, still aware that, at that moment, he had to play under his father's rules if he wanted to keep Zèon and Koi alive.

He contained a sigh, tossing the food with his fork, thoughtfully. Even though it was the first solid food he ate in a long time, he was not feeling particularly hungry. The fehlar across the table, a wildcat who was trying his best to keep a serene expression, did not seem to be very interested in the food on his plate. Kathreen, however, was chewing his food elegantly but surely. She was wearing a long red silk dress: a slightly repaired version of the one her mother had owned years before and that now she wore in her absence. Meanwhile, his father was eating with no apparent worries, as he had expected.

The lion asked himself, a bit worried, if Shiba... no; Krysha, would manage to take care of Zèon and Koi while he was there. He knew that the tigress did not like to be away from him since she was his Sentinel, but at those moments he was more worried of the kanes' safety than his own. His father would never get rid of his first son or allow anything to happen to him; at least, in his castle. On the opposite, Ike was not so sure that he was going to keep his promise regarding Zèon and Koi...

He suppressed a smile when he remembered all the objections Krysha had put when he had asked her to stay there, in the tower, instead of going with him to the dining room. He had finally convinced her by arguing that leaving Koi alone in his room did not seem like a good idea to him, but still, the tigress had accepted reluctantly. The lion wondered if she would be willing to be away from him for a longer period. That might be relevant if the idea he had been thinking about during the last hours finally gained strength.

One of the servants approached him from behind to move away the plate of food he had not touched for minutes, and the lion was startled. Trying to calm himself down, he shook his head and contained another sigh: he had definitely spent too much time in the Box in order to get used to the life in the palace again.

-...a great deed, if you ask me. The troops in the Strait of Tarchea definitely deserve the recognition they have. -His father had been talking about the military actions they had started in the northern strait that connected the two halves of the continent; without enthusiasm, but proudly -. The troops I sent to the south, however, were not as successful. I have been told that the region of Daphiram is excessively inhospitable for the soldiers, and the sweltering heat of the desert just makes the situation worse. Any possible settlement is a point of conflict with the nomads in the desert, be them kane or fehlar.

Ike could see the expression of disgust in his father's face. The fehlar of Daphiram were known for their carefree way of life, ignoring any kind of government. The fact that there were still some fehlar that were not under his control probably annoyed him.

-The people of the desert know nothing about titles, my lord -the wildcat mentioned, guessing what the king was thinking about. He had managed a faint smile, but even Ike could see that it was only a fake grimace -. There are only two languages they speak: gold and iron. Buy them or end them. That should show them who is in control.

Alekai smiled sarcastically and raised an eyebrow.

-Buy them? There is no reason why I should humble myself to their level, Arcudius. If I did that, if tomorrow my messengers contacted the leaders of each tribe and gave each one a bag of gold, I would be rewarding them for their disobedience. -The lion made a pause as he took his cup of wine and drank from it. He put it back on the table with a strong blow that startled the other fehlar. The ends of the fur in his muzzle were now slightly garnet and there was a gleam of anger in his eyes -. Tell me, Arcudius, what would happen then? How long would it take the other tribes to rebel again so they were "payed" again? How long would it be until other regions followed their example?

The wildcat gulped, understanding that he had made a mistake. Meanwhile, Kathreen watched the scene with a smile and a gleam of entertainment in her eyes.

-I... I don't know, my lord.

-But you are right. I could kill all of those damn desert rats, behead the leaders of the rebellion before their families, burn their children and destroy their pathetic shacks. I think that would keep them quiet for a while. What do you think, Arcudius?

The gaze of the monarch was now so full of heating rage that Ike could almost see how the little courage that the poor Softpaw still gathered burned down to ashes.

-I think... I think that... -the wildcat gulped again and squirmed in his seat, grabbing the collar of his shirt with one of his paws -. I think that would be enough, my lord.

Alekai kept staring at him for a few seconds. He was squinting and, for an instant, even Ike thought that he was about to leap on him and hit him. However, the king looked away after a while and set his eyes on the cup of wine. He was holding it again with one of his paws and moving its contents thoughtfully.

-It is never enough -he said, after a few moments. The fury in his eyes seemed to have vanished completely and Ike thought he could see a shadow of dejection, or maybe tiredness, behind his words -. Even if I exterminated them all. It is easy to steal someone's gold, or land. But freedom... that's another story. -He made a pause -. I have no time or resources to start guerrilla warfare in the south, Arcudius. I need new headquarters for the desert troops. And I think you can help me.

The wildcat glanced away.

-The palace you ordered to be built for the prince Alekai is not ready yet, my lord. As you know, it is difficult to gather and transport resources in the desert. The builders...

Alekai raised her paw, interrupting the other fehlar.

-You do not need to give more explanations, Arcudius -he said, giving him a calm smile as he closed his eyes -. I understand your reasons and accept your generous offer.

There was a brief silence.

-My... my lord? -the wildcat asked, visibly confused.

Alekai's smile grew wider. With a thoroughly planned slowness, he stood up and approached the bewildered fehlar, placing a paw on his shoulder.

-Tomorrow, I will send my troops to your castle so they establish their new headquarters there. I know it was a difficult decision for you, but I am glad to see that you agree with me that this is the best solution for everyone.

The wildcat's face turned pale and even Ike had to contain a shiver.

-But... but my lord... -he managed to say -. My family has been living there for generations! That is the only place we can call our home and...!

-Oh, true -the lion answered, as the smile in his face quickly disappeared -. Your family. I had not thought about that.

The wildcat opened his mouth in an attempt to answer something, but the words would not come out of his throat. Ike could feel his fear; not only of Alekai, but of what might happen to his family once the troops had taken over his castle.

-You know me well, Arcudius. You know I am a generous monarch and I would never think of put your family's safety at stake. -Alekai turned back, smiling. The fehlar seemed to relax a bit when the king's paw moved away from his shoulder, but it did not last -. That is why, for you, and as a token of gratitude for your loyal servitude, I will allow you to stay in the palace I order you to build for my son.

Arcudius' eyes opened wide as color left his face again.

-I know work advances slowly, but it is my hope that it will be habitable, at least. Especially taking into account that I asked you to start with the building process more than a year ago -the king added, with a certain accusing tone.

-But my lord! -the wildcat exclaimed, standing up and staring at the king, horrified -. The builders just lay the foundation a few months ago. You can't ask me to...!

-I can't ask you? -the king repeated, turning to the wildcat slowly -. Oh, of course I can. And I will.

Arcudius opened his mouth to reply, but seemed to change his mind at the last moment. He was clenching his fists and shaking violently, victim of fear and frustration.

Ike was also pale, fully aware of what his father's words meant. The Softpaws would be forced to leave his home and reallocate themselves in a place they had never seen before, which would be probably in the first phase of development. In the middle of the desert of Daphiram, there was nothing more important than having a roof over your head: without a proper home, the Softpaws would be exposed to the burning sun, the sandstorms, the creatures of the desert and the diseases. Maybe the nomads could survive in those circumstances, but Ike seriously doubted that a noble family, who had grown surrounded by comforts, was able to adapt to the change so quickly.

He put those thoughts aside when he noticed that the wildcat's eyes were set on him, with a strange gleam. <<Oh, no>> the lion thought, realizing what was about to happen.

-You... -Arcudius murmured, still trembling -. You understand me, right? You know I can't... I can't...

Ike held his gaze for a few seconds, trying not to show how much that scene had shaken him. He could feel the little spark of hope in the fehlar's eyes and knew that he was grasping at straws, as if that was his only possibility. However, he could also feel his father's gaze from the other side of the room, urging him to stay quiet.

-You... you know this is wrong, right, your Highness? -the wildcat insisted, walking a step towards him and reaching out to the young prince, as if that way he could convince him -. You are not like that. You...

Suddenly, something pierced the air. The wildcat let out a scream of horror and stepped back instinctively. A sharp knife had pierced one of the sleeves of his shirt and stuck him to the wall of the dining room behind him.

-I must apologize, Arcudius -Kathreen said then, standing up and bowing gracefully, with a little smile. Given the position of one of her paws, it was obvious who had thrown that knife -. It seems to me that you have mentioned the possibility that my brother does not share my father's vision on this matter. I know you did not want to give that belittling impression of him, but I would like to make clear that any thought you might have had in that regard is utterly wrong. My brother knows what his kingdom need, just like my father. -That said, she gave him a charming smile -. I hope I explained myself clearly. I don't like misunderstandings.

The wildcat gave her a terrified look from the wall, with eyes wide open. He did not even try to pull the knife out of the wall. Ike was looking away. He already knew how good his sister was throwing those things: in the past, he had gotten used to watching her, with a mixture of fascination and horror, as she practiced in one of the courtyards in the palace. And she always, always hit the bulls-eye.

It was Alekai who, after a few seconds of silence, approached the wildcat slowly and, with a soft movement, took the knife and freed him. Ike had stopped looking at him a long time ago and his eyes were fixed on the floor, as if he was afraid to look up.

-Go home, Arcudius -the king advised him, with a quick smile -. Go back to your family. They need you now, more than ever.

The wildcat did not react. He was still mortally pale and shivered violently, as if he could not find an answer to those words. Finally, Alekai gestured to the guards positioned on the entrance of the dining room and they walked towards Arcudius, grabbed him by his shoulders and took him to the exit. Ike could still hear the muffled cries of the poor man and felt something squirm inside him, partly due to fear and partly due to guilt. Once the fehlar was out and the door had closed behind him, Kathreen smiled proudly.

-Well, well... I would say the heat has affected those poor people, but...

In two great strides, Alekai got in front of the lioness and suddenly slapped her hard. The blow sounded in the middle of the room as the lioness let out a whimper and feel backwards to the ground, grabbing her jaw and staring at his father with eyes full of rage. Ike closed his eyes, cringing.

-How many times do I have to repeat it, Kathreen? -Alekai asked, looking at her with a flame of anger burning deep in his eyes -. Your function in this house is not to assault our guests. Your function in this house is not to talk to our guests. What is your function in this house?

The lioness looked back at him from the floor, clenching her teeth. After a few seconds, she breathed deeply and answered, with a paw still in the cheek her father had hit:

-Listen, watch and be quiet.

-Listen, watch and be quiet -her father repeated, nodding. He seemed to be a bit calmer now, although a small spark of that fire could still be seen in his gaze -. The next time you step out of your place, I will take drastic measures. The heir to the throne is your brother, not you. Now, go to your room.

The lioness looked away, feeling insulted and embarrassed, but did not answer. She just stood up, swiping her paw across the red silk of her dress to clean the dust, and bowed. Then, she turned back and walked towards her room, without looking back. When she left the room, she closed the door carefully. A few seconds after that, a scream of frustration shook the walls of the adjacent corridor.

Alekai smiled slightly and walked back to his seat slowly. Ike kept staring at the floor, unable to look up. The room was again filled with a dense, weird silence.

-The problem of your sister -Alekai started then, pouring himself another cup of wine -is the opposite of your mother's. She is too temperamental and does not know how to control herself. -The lion paused as he drank from his cup and sighed -. She knows that she must instill fear. She wants to instill fear. But she does not know the right form to do so.

Ike did not say anything. He had been used not to talk during his father's monologues and not even the long year he had stayed in the Box had changed that.

-Fear can be instilled with violence. And that is useful, sometimes -the king continued, with his gaze fixed on the cup of wine. His eyes reflected the garnet liquid for a few seconds, before he drank again -. But the fear that more often touches the heart of the others, kane or fehlar, is the fear that is born from calmness. Because, when someone takes these things slowly, how can you even doubt of what that person would be willing to do?

-I... I want to leave... -Ike began saying, softly. However, Alekai had not finished.

-But obviously, even if your sister could understand that, she could never access the throne. You know how these things work for the fehlar. Only the first-born is the legitimate heir. The other will always be considered usurpers.


-So, even in the event that a fehlar monarch engendered two offsprings with his ungrateful wife, and only one of them proved to be good enough to continue his legacy... the king would be forced to give way to the first-born. -The lion's claws had sunk into the wooden cup as he was talking -. However frustrating and painful this may be, the monarch must only educate his first son to keep the line of succession. To follow his steps. To be his reflection.

-Father, please...

-And if that first son turns out to be the opposite of all the monarch expected him to be -Alekai continued, without stopping -, if all his father tried to teach him seemed to go through him... then, the king would have to resign himself to the fact that his offspring would be a nonsense, that his enemies would laugh at him behind his back, and that he only managed to raise a failure.


-Enough! -the king exclaimed, throwing his wooden cup to one of the walls. The sudden movement startled Ike, who looked up to face the fiery gaze that his father gave him -. For how much longer will you resist, Alekai? It is you or me at this moment. In the end, one of us will have to give up! And believe me, even if you do not see it that way, the only reason I keep you in the palace... you and your questionable friends... -he muttered -... is because I prefer that before seeing the kingdom in the paws of any self-righteous cat. Do you understand?

Ike nodded slowly. He could perceive the effect of alcohol in his father words and he knew that, in that situation, there was no way to reason with him.

-You want to leave, you say? Alright. Go ahead -Alekai let out a short, deep laugh -. You do not have the guts to leave this place. Why have you come back to the palace, then?

Ike clenched his fists. His father's words hurt him, but he was not totally wrong.

He closed his eyes and tried to calm himself down a bit. It was not the first time he had those conversations with his father. He had known for a long time that he thought he would never be the heir he had wanted; that, between him and having no descendants at all, there was not much difference. He had assumed long ago that he would never be who his father wanted him to be, and he did not mind. However...

...however, his father still knew how to control him. Even though he could not change him, he still knew how to corner him.

The lion shook his head, giving up. There was something he had to ask his father, no matter how much it scared him to talk about it. He could already foresee his response and, for some reason, Ike felt it was something he did not want to listen. However, he had to do it. That might be the only chance to save Zèon... and also to go away from the palace for a while.

-Yes, I want to leave -he said, trying to conceal the fact that his voice was trembling -. I want to go to Northundra.

Alekai looked up and smiled slightly, as if he had just heard a joke.

-Northundra? -he asked, skeptically.

-There are... a few things I must do there -the lion vaguely answered. Then, he added -. If I do that, the kane in my room might leave forever. You would never see them again.

Ike felt a twinge of emotion. Of course, that implied that he would never see Zèon again in the case that he managed to wake him up, but he hoped he would find a way to solve that problem. Besides, at that moment, he could only force himself to think that it was more important to save the arctic fox's live than sharing it with him.

Alekai looked carefully at his son, as if he was thinking about the words he should say after that.

-They are not better than the fehlar, you know? -he mumbled, after a few seconds -. I know they have drawn your attention since you were a child, but believe me. They have never been better than us, and will never be.

<<It's not about that>> Ike thought, but his father kept talking.

-They will stab you in the back when you least expect it, as any other fehlar. -The king's gaze was lost in one of the room's walls and his head swung a bit when he turned to look at his son again -. It does not matter how they look like, it does not matter the race they belong to. Every single individual of this world is waiting to betray you when you least expect it. The fehlar, at least, you can control.

Ike did not answer.

-I do not mind that you like kane -the lion continued, with a husky voice -. You will learn, sooner or later. I just do not want the court to know what is happening.

-I know -Ike replied. However, he could not help but thinking that the sudden change in his father's tone was not very usual. Where was he going with that?

-If this came to light... -Alekai frowned -. Then, can you make those two kane disappear?

It took Ike a few seconds to answer.

-Of... of course -he murmured, clearing his throat. There was something in his father's tone that was not familiar with him -. At least, that is what I believe. It is the only chance I have.

Alekai gave him a faint smile.

-Let's make another deal then. If the kane wakes up, he will disappear from the castle before anyone can even imagine that he has been living here. He will vanish, and that other kane with him. You will never mention them again and we will forget that their presence corrupted this home once. But they must go without being seen. I will not stop someone from killing them if they found them.

>>But if you do not find what you were looking for, if, after all, you were wrong or you do not come back from your journey... I will personally solve... our little problem.

Ike shivered, realizing what those words truly mean. The picture of his father ending Zèon's life came to his mind and he gulped.

However, he wondered why he was offering that pact now, that little possibility to save Zèon's life definitely. <<He prefers letting Zèon live than allowing the people of the court know of his existence>> he understood, after a few seconds <<If someone see him, that would put our family's authority into question... and we would not last long in power>>.

Still, he could not stop thinking that the sudden change of attitude was not usual in his father. He had the feeling that the pact hid some kind of trap, but he could not find it.

-What do you say, my son? It's all or nothing. As the heir, you have to get used to taking decisions like these quickly.

-Alright. I accept -Ike murmured, nodding slowly -. If I come back from my journey and manage to wake Zèon up, he will leave and we will never know anything else about him. If I don't... I will let you do whatever you want to him.

Alekai's smile grew wider, standing up slowly. Ike followed his father with his eyes, as he approached the door.

-In that case, I will gather a small group of escort to go with you to Northundra. You will leave tomorrow.

-Tomorrow? -Ike repeated, surprised -. Isn't that too... soon?

Alekai turned to him, squinting, and Ike cringed. He understood then that he was not in a position to make demands.

-You do not want me to change my mind -the king muttered, shaking his head, as he resumed walking towards the door -. If I were you, I prepare myself for what comes next. You might have the courage to stand up against me, but that has nothing to do with what someone like you will find out there. I hope this little 'adventure' of yours can open your eyes once and for all.

That said, the king let out a husky laugh and left the room. However, before the darkness swallowed him, Ike thought that his father walked strangely. A crazy thought crossed his mind, but he finally dismissed it. <<Maybe it is the alcohol>> he told himself.

-Have you lost your mind?

Ike did not answer. Instead, he just buried his head between his paws and let out a long sigh.

-It's the only way I have to bring Zèon back, Krysha.

-No. It is the only way you think you can bring Zèon back. You don't even know if it's going to work. How do you know that everything Sophia told you is not a lie? How do you know it's not... another of her absurd plans?

-I can't know it, but it seems that she was right about something. Hearing our names made us remember all she had erased from our minds -Ike reminded her, frowning -. Why would she lie about Zèon?

-I find it difficult to believe that she accepted so easily her defeat and just told you happily all you wanted to know. What did she do that to Zèon in the first place if now she has given you the key to wake him up?

Ike stopped, not knowing what to answer.

-I guess... I guess she was desperate to run away -he murmured, after a few seconds. However, he remembered more or less clearly the conversation he had had with the human, and she had not seemed nervous at any moment -. Maybe things didn't turn out as she wanted, after all. Maybe...

-Come on, Ike -Krysha interrupted him, sharply -. You know just as I do that there is something that doesn't make sense in that woman's behavior. She's been playing with all of us for a long time and I bet she is still doing it, somehow. -She made a pause -. And I don't trust your father's change of attitude either. It is obvious that he also has something in mind; if he didn't, he would have never made that offer to you.

Ike considered those words for a few seconds, doubtful. Even though he would have liked to think for once that he had brought his father to his senses, he knew that the reality was not that easy. His father had never listened to him in the past and had made clear, even in that last dinner, how much he had disappointed him as a son.

He shook his head. It would have been nice to think for once that his father respected him, but he knew he did not, and probably never would.

-It is a hard journey -he whispered -. Accidents might happen, I guess...

-Especially, taking into account that you want me to stay here to take care of him -Krysha replied, pointing at the arctic fox that lay on the bed -. This is madness, Ike. However you look at it.

The lion did not answer.

He was aware that the tigress was right and that, even though he was trying to convince her otherwise, there were too many things against him. The journey to Northundra would be long and arduous; Ike knew that many messengers and explorers had gotten lost long ago, and that it did not have to be different for him.

Even in the case that he survived the journey and managed to get there, he did not even know if he would be able to find Zèon's true name. After all, according to what the arctic fox had told him in the Box, all his family had been exterminated by the fehlar invaders long ago. And he was not even sure that finding his name would bring him back.

Still, he could not help but looking at the arctic fox and thinking... thinking that he had to do it for him. Not only because he felt he owed him a lot for what had happened in the Box, but also because each day he was without him seemed a lost day.

-I know it is risky -he murmured, looking up -, but it might be the only way to bring him back. And you know I have already made the deal with my father, Krysha. I have to do it. Like it or not.

The tigress held his gaze for a few seconds, defiant. Ike could feel the stubbornness behind her blue eyes, but also the strong worry that pushed her to try to keep him there. He understood the tigress and that was precisely why he knew it would be difficult to change her mind.

-Besides, I have talked with Kodu. He said he is coming with me.

-Oh, yeah. I feel more at ease now -the tigress muttered, rolling her eyes.

Ike had to contain a smile. Even Krysha participated in the rivalry that had confronted the Order of the Sentinels and the Royal Guard for generations.

-There is no way I can stop you, right? -she asked, after a while. Ike held her gaze -. It's always the same. I am supposed to be responsible of your safety, but at the end of the day, you are the one who takes the stupid decisions. I can protect you from thugs, from your father; even from your sister. But I can't protect you from yourself.

Ike looked down.

-Krysha, I have to do it.

The tigress shifted his weight from one leg to another, uneasy, and finally let out a soft sigh. After a few seconds, he finally murmured:

-I know. You don't want him to die too.

Ike shivered.

-No. That's why I need you to stay here and take care of him. You have to protect him from my father... and especially from Kathreen.

Krysha gave him a proud smile.

-I can handle your sister, as long as she doesn't call the Royal Guard for help. -Then she gazed at the lion again. She looked indecisive -. Alright -he agreed, after a few seconds -. Promise me you will be careful.

Ike looked up and gave her a faint smile. He was aware that it was not easy for the tigress to let him go, but he had known from the beginning that she would have to give up eventually.

-I will -he answered, trying to infuse into his words a confidence that he was far from feeling.

The next day, Ike woke up when the sun had not still appeared in the horizon, but the shy sunbeams in the morning were already slightly lighting up the firmament. He looked at the sky, which had a gloomy purple color, and shivered. It was cloudy. That could not be a good sign.

Krysha walked with him to the lobby of the castle. Once they arrived there, it did not take him much to spot Kodu, who waved at them from one of the pillars that flanked the entrance. Not far from there, a panther and a leopard were talking in a friendly tone. Ike saw them laugh and, by the clothes they wore and the bundle full of supplies that each of them carried on their shoulders, he deduced those were the fehlar his father had chosen for the journey.

<<Only two?>> he asked himself, surprised. However, he had to admit that it made sense. His father wanted his journey to be as much discrete as possible, so a bigger group could have been counter-productive. Besides, once he looked at the fehlar again, he decided that both seemed experienced enough to handle any setback they might find in the journey. Or, at least, that was what he hoped.

He put those thoughts aside when he felt that someone gave him a small friendly nudge on his shoulder. Krysha was not usually so affectionate, so the young lion turned, a bit surprised.

However, he found a different gaze that made him shiver.

-Kathreen -he murmured, with a nervous smile -. What are you doing here?

The lioness gave him a wide smile.

-Isn't that obvious? -she asked, opening her arms and spinning. The lioness had dressed herself with loose, black clothes, and carried some kind of garment with long sleeves that covered his paws almost completely. A leather bag hung from his back.

Ike understood and stepped back.

-No... it isn't possible...

-Yes! It is! -the other exclaimed, letting out an excited scream and hugging her brother -. We are travelling together!

A new shiver went down Ike's spine.

-But... but... -he muttered, trying to find a way out.

-I thought that Alekai wouldn't allow you to go, Kathreen -Krysha intervened then, walking towards them -. You know it is a long, dangerous journey. I am not so sure the king wants to risk the lives of his two children for something as trivial as a kane's life.

-Oh. Hi, Krysha. I hadn't seen you -the lion murmured, giving her a look full of disdain. However, once he turned back to his brother, his face brightened up again -. As soon as I heard you had this planned, I knew I couldn't miss it and I had to go with you. After all, you couldn't stay here for as long as I would have liked and, well. You know I've missed you. -The lioness made another pause and smiled -. I talked about it with dad and he didn't raise any objections. I am sure she thinks that is better for use to use some time together -she added, giving a piercing gaze to Krysha.

Ike did not answer. However, Kathreen seemed to ignore that silence.

-Oh, is that one over there Kodu? Kodu! Hey, Kodu! -she exclaimed, running towards the terrified cat.

Krysha saw her go, with a serious expression.

-Sometimes I wonder where she gets the information from -she mentioned, with a tone of surprise in her voice -. She always seems to have... everything.

-Yes, I know what you mean -Ike replied, a bit taciturn. Then, he let out a long sigh -. Well, I am not precisely excited to travel with her, but... I guess that's better than leaving her here with Zèon.

Krysha managed a faint smile.

-I guess it is one less thing to worry about. -Then, adopting again her characteristic serious expression, she gave a leather bag to the lion and looked at him intensely -. Be careful, alright? I don't trust her.

-I don't, either -the lion replied, shaking his head -. Don't worry, Krysha. I will be alright.

That said, he turned back and walked towards the small group that, from that moment on, would go with him to Northundra. Kodu and Kathreen had already joined the other two fehlar and it seemed that they were ready to leave.

The tigress saw them as they walked away from the entrance, still worried. He saw Ike waving at her and she waved back, containing a little smile. Then, when the group was barely a spot in the road to the outer part of the fortress, she let out a sigh and walked into the palace again.