I was Never Gay Part 1

A story about an older fur who has realized that he is not completely straight. This is the first part of the story, no yiffing or anything yet. I just wanted to post what I have so far, and see what people think. It's not pedophilia, since everyone...

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Growing Young

The wolf had gone so far from his home- all in an attempt to subdue the money of the world and become wealthy. But in spite of all he owned as the CEO of a multinational corporation (and he owned much), never had he felt this poverty of the heart...

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Seven Days- Part II

Day Two Evening had descended on the dilapidated home which at one point belonged to David Kleiner. Now, his brother Joshua would occupy the run-down shack for the next week. It was pretty late in the day and still Rachel, Joshua's ancient mother...

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Natural Science- Hyperspace

"So you see class, the entire universe is composed like a gigantic machine made up of interlocking wheels. All the events of this universe are governed by laws of physics- Buddha called these immutable, unchanging laws 'Dharmakaya' and he also believed...

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Red Barchetta

"Well today's Sunday, April 2nd- your 18th birthday. You're going to see your uncle. He says he's got this gift he wants to show you Daniel". the coyote's mother told him as they packed their belongings up for a one-hour bus ride out of the big city to...

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There were many things that Nathan Medicine Coyote would rather be doing than entertaining tourists with the cheesy dances and songs of his ancestors. He felt that the only reason why he was doing singing and dancing five times a week was for the...

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The New Rudolph?

"Rudolph Rothafur!" An old goat called out from his position at the podium, turning to face the far end. Rudy licked his lips, feeling his stomach flutter with nervousness. Stepping up onto the stage, he walked across it. He tried to ignore the crowd...

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Grandpa's Request - Writing Prompt from Manchesterite

"Listen, Jo-Jo, sweetheart. I want you to think this through." Even with the liver spots and veins, Grandpa's hand still sung with grizzled strength as it easily engulfed both of hers. "You're not as talented as Cheryl. She commands the respect of...

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Ch 2 - Battle, Aftermath, Love Blossoms

-= Complete and Total Disclaimer of all Responsibility for what YOU do =- If you aren't mentally mature enough to read about various forms of sex, then go away. I don't care what your physical age is - legality varies widely, anyway. If you're too...

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Ch 1 - Healer, Advocate, Warrior Chief

-= Complete and Total Disclaimer of all Responsibility for what YOU do =- If you aren't mentally mature enough to read about various forms of sex, then go away. I don't care what your physical age is - legality varies widely, anyway. If you're too...

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Save a Life and You Will Save the World

The painful memories that Deborah Sevigne had thrust upon her- brought on every time she heard the ambulance siren- would often come flooding back in a torrent of sad memories. For this she-wolf, the sound of the ambulance siren brought her back to...

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Shoulder To Cry On

This isn't smut, just some gay cuddling with few age play themes, though I might write more for these two in the future ;) * * * Ollie Cavik wanted to just curl up and die. He'd been on the way back from his part-time job in the kitchen of a...

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