A Necromancer's Heart:Chapter 3

Chapter 3 (Derek's P.O.V.) I had to watch as Soul, the one I loved, was kidnapped. I had tried to get to him but the kidnappers had thrown a sac of sleeping gas in the hall. Everyone had fallen asleep. No one could help Soul. A sudden surge of rage...

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The Update

This version of nathan's journey might come back but under a different name, with different characters.


Seperated by fate.

Each with different characters, but the main point of each character was that they felt a huge loss, a loneliness born from sorrow. usually involving self blame and separation.

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Unexpected Bromance Character Sheet #1

This story has different characters, all copyrighted by "radin darkflame" a.k.a. me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ character #1 name: boomer firestorm species: dark anthro fire/earth dragon gender: male

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2021-08-30 Writing in 3D Exercise

This week's exercise was to write a scene from a movie from the perspective of a different character. i took some liberties, but i had fun. "gronk." the mighty bellow would be music to her ears.

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chapter nine

One could have interesting fun with this one with different characters types _perhaps one day they will meet. perhaps it's best that they never do.

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Read Harry Potter, the Aenid of our times: Srsly (4 real!)

This is also why you should, particularly if you have a favourite couple of characters to write about, be willing to veer wildly off course and write stuff about different characters and in different genres.

Binary Genetics, Chapter 1

Subsequent chapters will be vignettes of different characters as fate or coincidence results in 'additional tests being completed'. some like this initial chapter will be safe for all ages.

X-Furs: Episode 1 - The Nuclear Incident

This is pretty much like x-men, but with furs and different characters throughout the story. tell me if you think i am copying too much or maybe too little :) enjoy!

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group therapy Part 8

He could see a sort story to it, as the teddy bear took on different characters, frolicked over to different places. one time, he even saw mortar attempt to create a shadowy shape with his massive paw, scrunching it up experimentally.

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Writing Tips

You can also spice up your story by having multiple viewpoints from different characters. just make sure you have some kind of separation between them. i don't recommend switching the narrative perspective though.

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(DSOANA) Behind The Scenes .1

.** **(don't ask a question to a different character that's not in this chapter, only the characters that shows up in this chapter or in any other chapters the chracters that shows up you can ask)** available: (for questions) -david -latios -

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