Wings of the Raven

He is the one who creates action. drama. life. i sit patiently on the sidelines wary of the crowds and content to watch as the best moments in life pass me by. he is the one the one at the center of attention.

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Elements: Ice [WIP]

**\*please tell me what you think, whether it's boring, too long/short, not enough action/drama, or if there is something you dislike or whatever.

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New Beginnings 2 [Scrapped]

**\*please tell me what you think, whether it's boring, too long/short, not enough action/drama, or if there is something you dislike or whatever.

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The Human Species Ch.17 - Forgiveness (Epilogue of Episode III)

I mean, i have no idea if the darker and more action-drama oriented style i went for these past three (much too long) chapters worked out or not! other than that, not much to say. i hope you're enjoying this story, because it's still far from over!

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New Beginnings 1 [Scrapped]

**\*please tell me what you think, whether it's boring, too long/short, not enough action/drama, or if there is something you dislike or whatever.


An Unknown Under Tale - Chapter 2

action, drama.... more action! \*sighs in contentment\* i do so enjoy this story.** **alright, my lovelies, the power is flashing so very quickly i'll leave you with your qotd, which is very simply: "have you ever been in a fight?

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007 Initial Conditions

"over and out," he mutters sourly, imitating the sign-off in an azatlani action-drama that despoiled screens across the citadels apartment spaces.

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Coffee Shop 1

**\*please tell me what you think, whether it's boring, too long/short, not enough action/drama, or if there is something you dislike or whatever.

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A King's Sorrow - Chapter I: Exile of The North.

action, drama, romance, and comedy abound as we journey towards these answers, and more! first chapter of my fantasy story, a king's sorrow! i'm hoping it'll be an epic piece! feed back and criticisms are welcomed and appreciated!

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Coffee Shop 2

/drama, or if there is something you dislike or whatever.

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Glenn drives down the dark dust and gravel road yestrday he was given a note by one of the WWE officials which he looks over "Dear,Glenn I have a challenge for you I bet you can't stay five whole nights in this old abandon house I know the actor's...

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Coffee Shop 4

**\*please tell me what you think, whether it's boring, too long/short, not enough action/drama, or if there is something you dislike or whatever.

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