losing hope ch.4

The next,day Alex and I walk into school and all of the furs just... stared. I think it's how my cousins 'Wendell and Todd's ''friends,'' felt when they were out for the first time (if your wondering there my 3rd or 4th cousins twice removed I...


losing hope ch.7/8 (Alex)

I look through a crack in the kitchen door and just watch as my boyfriend breaks down into tears, and Todd is just sitting there confronting him I then hear strange deafening roar from outside, I then proceed to walk out Even's front door toward...

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A first step...

Coras pov\* I stomped on the gas and drove off leaving a cloud of dust behind. My adrenaline was pumping and my heart was pounding as i drove at 94mph down the road."holy shit its bleeding bad i better hurry!!!" i said as i put my car in the next...

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losing hope ch.6

Conner's p.o.v ''What!,'' Alex says ''139!,''I shout ''DAMN!,'' Alex yells we turn a corner and speed down that way as ''we,'' can, with pursuer still trailing close behind, ''what'd we do?,'' I ask ''don't worry I got this,'' Alex replies...

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Wiroch: The First Step

_Based on the works of_ http://fastolf.sofurry.com/ _Eternal Mortality_ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After the votes were held, Tiralin's official...

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League of the Rangers: the first steps

Hi everybody. Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers. Sure you had heard about this amazing cartoon in deep childhood. And every of us, had an own perception of it. One perceived badly, other neutral or good... But time had come and you wanted to see favorite...

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Journey to the West: The first steps

**Chapter two:** Mike had decided to wait out the day before he moved closer to the highway. Although it appeared deserted, this place still managed to gain quite a bit of traffic up and down it each day. As night approached, Mike set off through the...

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Free Traders: First Steps

I could hardly contain my excitement as I felt the slight jar of the skiff sliding into the dock. In the years I had been studying these strange machines, never once had I thought I would actually get to experience Wildspace, yet here I was, all...

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Chapter 7: First Steps

**Here's chapter seven guys. From now on, swearing will be more common. The outside world is not as nice as living in secret. Enjoy!** "Psst...Luke," I felt someone poking me, "it's time to get up." I opened my eyes a little bit to see Ian in...

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The Very First Step of a Pokemon Journey

The Very First Step of a Pokemon Journey By CalexTheNeko DING-DONG! "Uggggh..." Leon groaned as the doorbell ringing woke him up. It range again as he slowly pulled the covers down, revealing his long blonde hair to be a mess having...

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losing hope/first steps ch13.

I drive all over Arizona looking everywhere for the Canler's henchmen with no luck, I drive further and further away from city limits I stop at an old gas station the old attendent fur is sitting reading a magazine when I pull up. He puts it down and...

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losing hope/first steps ch12.

I look over Alex's body for a long time inspecting the large gunshot wound in his head, * * * I start to poke at it, it feels fleashy and sticky flies buzz around me I swat them but they don't go away I take out my phone and call a local tow service...

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