An introduction to Blood Sports prt 1
They are spliced with geokinetic abilities allowing them to manipulate earth with their minds.
Genetic Children-Log 01
The project was to create superior humans, his first model was a male spliced with a dog, it only lasted a few days but it proved that the splice was possible.
splicing in the boys room
splicing in the boys room (teaser) i saw the splicers before they saw i and the last thing they saw was the bullet enter their brain and i got to paint the walls a nice
Aeon Chronos
splice." the scientist points to a tall broad weasel, his eyes dark and shifty as well as a little bit menacing.
Rayne: Info and Trivia
Over time, the people evolved so that the most popular splicings became races among them, slowly phasing humans out of existence.
Climbing the Food Chain: An Introduction
_hybridization_ - all contestants on climbing the food chain are genetically spliced with animal dna, turning them into anthropomorphic hybrids.
The Adventures Of Bloodstrype Ch1) History and a Headache
Then 300 years ago, all verry diplomatically and politely the terran confederation government "gave" us 3 planets and told all spliced to vacate "human" space.
Year Of The Rabbit
Using their knowledge, as well as having access to several zoos across china, they spliced the genes of a komodo dragon with that of a human, and used that to fertilize a cloned human egg.
Hunter of Worlds: Phase1-Chapter5
Weakness in a current was often displayed in areas where a switch or splice was added into the wires, the weakest point in any cable being a connector.
Concequences and Forgiveness
His specialty was gene manipulation and treatment, and on more than one occasion, he had been asked to do splicing experiments by the government.
Pixel Shift - Chapter 3
And humans spliced as well.
Prelude: Red Skies
You see, i am a genetic mutation of a spliced gene between a coyote and a human. just one of mans petty attempts of immortality. and my name, i'm experiment red2372, or red for short.