Jeremy 088; Many Miles Away
The lemur standing to the right of center spoke first. "welcome to kealuroondea mister dawn. would you follow us please." the lemur said as she gestured and turned to her right.
Jeremy 089; At The Bottom Of A Dark
She said with a nod to the other lemurs. jeremy saw a number of tails twitch in what he guessed as appreciation and slight nods in return. most of the lemurs started filing out of the trailer.
Jeremy 092; The Thing In Kealuroondea
Mitchell was carefully watching everyone but mostly the lemurs. as for the lemurs that hadn't yet seen the discovery, jeremy guessed he could safely catalog the set of their tails was one of curiosity.
Jeremy 090; The Issue With Madagascar
He had noticed the lemur dominants were doing much the same. none of them had intervened in the argument, for thats what it really was. he continued to stand on the opposite side of the buffet table from the three large lemurs and watch.
Always Me - Chapter 1
The lemur pulled his hand free and looked at the saliva and crumb covered hand and glared at the satisfied warthog the lemur wiped his hand off on his green and blue stripped overalls and looked back at me.
To Touch The Sky Chapter 3: A Passing Thought
The lemur smiled, seeming so relieved...why should -he- be relieved, he wasn't the one who had nearly been royally screwed.
Decades - Chapter Two
He began to circle samantha, laughing and whooping cheerily as the lemur raised her own fists and started to circle around him at the same time.
2811042 Blackraven2_the_shrink
The lemur stopped dead in his tracks. "you're saying, you solved ... general ai?"
For Your Paws Only - Chapter 1
Conrad, constance and geno are © coyotek joel, the lemur is © to joel the lemur the rest of the gang of idiots is © to me, dikran o.
Music review - I swear I saw your mouth move by I've made too much pasta
lemurs in the walls musically, the song continues with the space rock/ziggy stardust style. the lyrics this time around deal with lemurs living in the walls. the theme here can be viewed as modern day spirituality.
Jeremy 093; Its Not The Slope Its The Lack Of Friction
Jeremy reluctantly stepped to the side letting the two lemur executives move around him. gakota came in and stood next to jeremy while several others entered through the still open door.
Sonic The Hedgehog: Sealed Away
The lemur and the wolf both cried out, freezing in place as their eyes glowed blue for a second, and then their fur began to turn grey, solid.