Academia - Part 8

Academia - Part 8 by Zelphair * * * Author's Notes: So, yeah...I really dropped the ball this time, didn't I? Kept you guys waiting about 3 years since part 7. I can come up with plenty of perfectly valid excuses as to why this took so long, but the...


Academia - Part 6

Academia - Part 5 Copyright Zelphair/YaminoFoxie 2008 It was all he could do to keep from jumping halfway out of his fur at the door closing behind him, but Kaze dutifully took a seat in the much less ornate chair in front of the headmaster's...

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Academia - Part 5

Academia - Part 5 by Zelphair _Alright_, Kaze thought to himself, _just take a deep breath and calm down._ The former was far easier than the latter, but as he leaned against the tiled wall and took slow, steady gulps of the warm, humid air, a...

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Academia - Part 2

Academia - Part 2 Copyright 2008 Zelphair/YaminoFoxie Kaze was always slow to awaken, but awareness came even slower than usual this time. The first things to reach him were purely tactile sensations. He groggily noticed that he was in a...

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Academia - Part 7

Author's Note: Thank you to everyone who's posted comments and whatnot. For those of you who are still with me, I'm very sorry this last part's taken so long. All the mundane life stuff just seems to take over for a while, and before...

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