Chapter 11
Chapter 11 It was a month later in the city of Yiggow and all continued on with the regular hustle and bustle. Berkeley was working at the factory, he and his other nicer fox friend Kevin were working on packing meat into boxes when the fox started to...
Life in Yiggow Chapter 10
Chapter 10 During that same night Dr. James Wolfington was headed over to the Yiggow University Clubhouse. He wasn't told much only that Dean Novack and his assistant Gene Nerdly wanted to see him. He got a phone call around three o clock from...
Yiggow Chapter 7
Chapter 7 As the furs left their frat house Cymaenie, went one way to his Science class, Jackie and Nikoli, went to their Gym class that Berkeley, Cymaenie, and Douglas were shocked to believe that they still had Gym in college. Lastly the lizard...
Life in Yiggow Chapter 6
Chapter 6 After the fiasco in showers, the furs went to their respected bedrooms. Thunder went down stairs to sleep on the couch. Thunder did not mind sleeping on the couch down stairs because hishusky body could sleep in any position you could...
Life in Yiggow Chapter 3
Chapter 3 "Who wants pizza?" Thunder Darkstone was coming through the door carrying about ten pizza's. Thunder was a husky, needless to say a dark husky.Thunder always liked to wear black T-shirts and jeans, sometimes the jeans would even be...
Life in Yiggow Chapter 2
Chapter 2 As Berkeley walked up the stairs to the Frat house a lot of questions were swirling through his mind. Why would anyone accuse his friends Why would anyone hate Douglas because he was gay? Why would anyone think that Thunder was a crook?...
Life in Yiggow
Life in Yiggow was like any other for lizard man Berkely Stark. He made his living going to an fro from school to work. Berkely did his work like any other lizard man or creature for that matter. Yiggow was always a bustling city full of huge...