Library Lockdown

\*WARNING: This story contains Babyfur content and for those who have issues against babyfurs, its recommended you leave now. You have been warned. This is simply a request and I'm not doing this because I am a babyfur, but I prefer to let them take...

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Massagem na bexiga. Bladder massage.

Tive que ver o médico esses dias. Detesto elevadores com uma paixão de mil sóis, então resolvi subir as escadas. Mas eu sou gordo, infelizmente, e subir vinte andares de escada foi um verdadeiro sacrifício. Mas eu cheguei ao andar em que eu tinha que...

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Fountain of Youth 3.

The group of robbers stood in front of the entrance of an abandoned mine. - It's here, then? - asked Bart. - Sure - Mikey gave the first step inside. Bart was a little scared about all that; they had learned about the responsible a few...

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Fenária RPG

# Fenária RPG EN-US 3.7 What is RPG? RPG means_role-playing game_, it's a game in which you pretend to be a different person, in which you play a role. It's pretty much a "pretend-to-be" thing. Most people played something similar in their childhood,...


Aline e Afonso.

Afonso e Aline estão explorando uma região não-mapeada para seu trabalho de geografia. Afonso é uma raposa preta, mas cinza no focinho, nas patas, na cauda e no interior das orelhas. Tem olhos castanhos. Ele usa óculos marrons, camisa preta e calças...

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Drag Orion.

Passava por ali Yure, o gato, indo para a casa de seu amigo Drag, o dragão. Yure sentia-se solitário nesses últimos dias, em mais de um sentido, então resolveu tornar Drag vítima de seus caprichos. Atrás dele estava uma mochila contendo comida, mas não...

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It's early night. Asteyr is at the inn, preparing himself to meet Korge, a tortomon. He decided to not wear anything fancy for the occasion, since Korge probably wouldn't wear either. He didn't want to embarrass his friend. He was wearing black shorts...

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