The Forgotten Story - Chapter 1
Chapter 1 - My Boring Life Have you ever had that feeling that life isn't how you thought it'd turn out? Like... every day you're entering a maze and trying to reach the end. Only, you keep taking the same paths because if you choose anything...
Evil Genius Ch.3
In the beginning, there was nothing... and then there was light. Richard moved his arm to shield his face from the sudden change from darkness. He peered around bleary-eyed as he just awoke. At first he just wanted to sleep in some more so he moved his...
Evil Genius - Ch. 2
He rubbed his paws together with a childish glee as he stood before the door. To him, it felt as if he were a child and inside the next room was where the surprise party was going to be held and there'd be cake, ice cream and presents. He could barely...
Evil Genius Ch. 1
So here's my latest attempt to get myself writing again. My mate has inspired me to write more since he's started a nifty little mini-chapter series. I thought I might try and do the same. Feel free to give constructive critique or...