Toroko Got Fingered: Chapter 3

CHAPTER 3: THE DOCTOR LOVES CHILDREN Arriving at Building 122004, we hopped off of our motorcycles and went in. "Hello, we would like to book an appointment with the Doctor." I explained. "By appointment, do you mean interview?" the lobby...

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Toroko Got Fingered: Chapter 2

CHAPTER 2: DIGGING FOR GOLD IN THE SHOWER The next day, I decided to play an extremely idiotic yet downright hilarious prank on King for comedy relief's sake. After he took his shower, I took my shower and stayed in the shower with the water...

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Alphys Höek CHAPTER 6

CHAPTER 6 "Good-bye, everybody! I hope you all enjoyed the show, because I sure did!" Mettaton laughed as the entire crowd lifted him up and carried him out the door, where he then ordered a limo straight back to his house and spent the rest of the...

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Cavernous Storybook CH9: The Game Of Fame

CHAPTER 9: THE GAME OF FAME The next day, all of the news reporters on TV and the Internet were clamoring nonstop over Jack's amazing feat. "Jack's feet are so sexy that-" Whoops, sorry, wrong channel. "Jack's recent feat yesterday was so...


Cavernous Storybook CH5: Bewby Trap

CHAPTER 5: Bewby Trap "So, I suppose this is it..." King whispered in disbelief as he, Jack, Mahin, Toroko and Arthur gazed upon the dauntingly enormous steel tower that lay before them. "This must be the base of operations for all of those accursed...


Cavernous Storybook CH2: Unexpectedly Grave Consequences

CHAPTER 2: Unexpectedly Grave Consequences Of Stupidity Meanwhile, in the Assembly Hall next to the graveyard back in Mimiga Village, our main protagonists were having a far different discussion that, although certainly much less limited in its...
