The Jade Warrior - Chapter 3
**Chapter 3: A good Friend** "What's wrong Jao?" Jao snapped out of deep thought as he stared into the distance. "Hmm...? Oh sorry, something is not quite right, I can feel it in the wind." Violet put her arm around Jao "Well maybe if someone wasn't...
Bai Leang - The Jade Warrior
A new story I am working on. I will be adding to it when i get time to write chapter 2. In the mean-time Enjoy chapter 1! **Chapter 1 - The fox Warrior** A long time ago in a village called Shen-Hao a warrior lived peacefully with his family. The red...
Vault 170 - The Wolf Vault
** Vault 170 - The Wolf Vault** Who would have thought a cup of tea could cause so much devastation... The lights flickered on, Tom's Ears perked up and he lay his arm over his eyes. A yawn eventually escaped from his mouth. He opened his eyes to...
The Jade Warrior - Chapter 2
**Chapter 2 - An old life.** _How do you tell a child its ok when the world burns around you?..._ The Leangs moved to the edge of the forest where Bai found a secluded spot amongst the trees. "We will make camp here for the night. Tomorrow we...