Wetpelts - Intro

The sound of summer rain was once a pleasure, a time of relaxation. Ryndle could once sit on the eastward porch of his estate, gazing out at the rolling thunderclouds as the distant smell of brine and petrichor drifted through the wood, to where he...

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Wolfmaker - Chapter Two

The rain was coming harder now. Ambrose let out a whine as he shivered. He shook his head, and gazed down the road. His new eyes picked out a faint glow that his old senses might not have detected. He sniffed, and caught a whiff of smoke. His stomach...

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The Dying Stars

Above, lay peace. Below, a new world wheeled and spun. Small fissures began to form in the glass windshield as the ship entered the atmosphere. Alarms screamed in the ears of the young blue wolf as her ship crashed into the planet. Sunlight glinted...

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The Dawn of the Veiled God

The Dawn of the Veiled God As the sun began to shine across the eastern side of the Histwald, a figure could be seen. At times travelling on four legs, other times on two, the creature climbed up the ancient hillock which had in æons back served as a...

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Trouble Brewing

The cafe hummed with the sort of quiet hum that would lull even the most stress-addled mind. The smell of coffee clung fast to the air, as twenty versions of the same basic brew were ordered, brewed, passed, and sipped in quiet nooks by monsters of...

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